Quote from Furiously-Fast :Toyota Corolla? I believe so.... E90 series http://farm3.static.flickr.com ... 3930080186_5be51a9527.jpg
I don't know who should put a new picture. . Furiously Fast said Corolla first, but NitroNitrous said E90 . Decide by yourselves Quote from Marin2 :Fiat Punto cabrio. If that looked like cabrio, then i can be Russian prime minister
Quote from Agniz :next I think I saw a picture of it somewhere... Has it got a holy shit amount of exhaust pipes? EDIT: Quote from hrtburnout :It's a Skoda Super Sport I see you can use Google pretty well...
Quote from NitroNitrous :Looks like what a Wiesmann from early 90's would look like Perhaps, but it isn't a Wiesmann.