Poll : Max race lengh

Closed since :
60 Laps or max: 100 Minutes
60 Laps
60 Laps or max: 70 Minutes
Max race Lengh (part 2)
From the 3 winners of the other poll, Only 1 option here, Pick it!

60 laps...otherwise we all have to think like crazy to come up with a new name.....imagine the number of polls that would take
lol, it would be the "ATC 60 Lap (there or there abouts) GP League"

or perhaps the "ATC GP that used to be 60 Laps that is now 60 Laps or X Minutes League"
The league formerly known as ATC 60 Lap GP League..
Quote from Tumz(DK) :The league formerly known as ATC 60 Lap GP League..


I'm sure that url is still free
Quote from three_jump :TLFKAATC60LGPL

I'm sure that url is still free

hehe, I was actully thinking about writing that....
it's nice that it's 60 laps, sometimes it's a long race, sometimes a short one. (so even franky might not crash!)

Hi BTW guys, i'm back after a bit of a year off from GPs
btw... what happens if this is a draw?
If this one is a draw then i'll do it based on who raced the most in previous years (aka who is most likely to actually turn up)
Quote from franky500 :If this one is a draw then i'll do it based on who raced the most in previous years (aka who is most likely to actually turn up)