Thanks a lot you two! I have to admit to have been away from LFS for quite some time. I read something about this version, but somehow I didnt think S1E replays would work with it. New version => byebye old replays is still in my mind, but now I am not even sure if that was with S2 or S1 patches - I am getting old
Now the nostalgic LFS S1 replay night can begin. Seeing my old avatar and sig in this forum already resulted in having a huge smile in my face.
Scarven, Eric and Victor: thank you for this magnificent piece of software. When you said that there will only be 3 stages of LFS, I was very, very sad, but you already made it last for almost a decade and I suppose S3 is not even anywhere near the horizon
Too bad, I have 2 independant set of pedals while I can't find the PSU for my wheel. Otherwise I would have gone for FXO on SO1, where I spent like 3 years of my free time

Hotlapping for the Top10 and finally getting there was one of the most determined things I did so far, haha
Race on!