Building a racing sim...COMING EARLY 2012
Hello fellow Racers,

I'm Matt, I'm 13 and I've had a brainwave...

I plan to build a racing simulator with my friend Matthew Holland in my garage and moving it in parts to my bedroom to be bolted together, It will hope fully will have the dash and front 2 seats of a subaru with an ariel atom style frame which I will weld with my father.

It should be finished around mid 2012, but I plan to start development in early 2012.

I will actually be moulding a fiberglass atom engine cover and stickerbombing it...I'm just wondering, does anyone have any experience in making such ambitious racing simulators?

I know the SRT forums will love this when it's done, which is one of the reasons I've done it, that and to prove that you don't need to spend thousands on a racing simulator, just some time and about £50 for hardware...

I'm currently using a saitek r220, a thrustmaster usb joystick and a normal set of saitek pedals..

Can you please add some links of racing sims you like and specific features you want to see again so I can attempt to incorporate them into the ULTIMATE Racing simulator
You mean simulator or cockpit? I think most people know you don't need thousands for a home made cockpit. "Simulator" in this context suggests some kind of motion rig (at least to me).

Good luck with it though. Some people have made some cool home rigs with little more than an old bucket seat and some mdf off cuts.
#3 - col
Hi Matt.

check this out. A few years ago, this guy built a motion sim from plumbing pipe and car wiper motors, he reckoned it cost a few hundred £. There are probably quite a few similar projects out there now as he posted the plans on his website. You might be able to track them down if you search. Good luck
He is 13. Then you think you can conquer the world basically. Some stay into that thought for years, really depends from person to person.