Bose321: I didn't use any HDRI since I just googled and found this as a jpeg, and I'm sure using some random HDRI would look "off". I recreated the hall using that single image to get better reflections from all angles, but created the skylights as seperate geometries to boost their surface intensity, so the light coming from up there would look stronger. Just as IRL or with HDR images.
I don't like the distortion on the car myself, but thats the result of matching the 3d camera to the photo camera. The image itself is very distorted too - just look at the ceiling lamps close to the camera.
I could have cheated by making the car longer, but then someone else would just say
that solution is wrong/unrealistic

The way I did it, is the proper way.
Not too happy with the final result but its ok. It was a difficult one because of all the reflections in the hall, of which I had to remove some otherwise it would be uberlame and unrealistic. The image was also shopped a lot and thats kinda hard to match since I don't know exactly what the original photographer did to it.