TheReality Racing Team presents a little fun event with a slightly different format - real sprint racing! Event features 12 races with maximum of 24 drivers at start,each with different car,each 7.2 kilometers long over Fern Bay Sprint Track layout.
Event winner will be determined by total points standings. Points awarded in each race:
1st - 10 points
2nd - 9 points
3rd - 8 points
4th - 7 points
5th - 6 points
6th - 5 points
7th - 4 points
8th - 3 points
9th - 2 points
10th - 1 point
And every other who finishes within 1 minute of race winner - 0.5 points
In case of a tie,higher position will be determined by most wins/best finishing position/last race result.
Event will be on tuesday,September 20th,2011. First race will start at 21:00 EET / 20:00 CET / 18:00 UTC with a XFG race,followed by XRG,LX4,RB4,FXO and FZ5 races as first half of event,between all races will be 2-3 minutes long break,after FZ5 race - a 5-6 minutes long break,after that event will continue with faster cars - MRT,UFR,FXR,FZR,FOX and as final race - the mighty BF1.
Starting part will be the tricky one - the starting grid is the one from Fern Bay RallyX Green Reversed,its a triple file starting grid,but starting places - random,so be prepared to be in big traffic right from the start!
Rules - as this is a fun event,there won't be specific rule book,but everyone should respect standart clean racing rules,avoid any car contact (even as hard it will be on that tight 1st turn) and keep sportsmanship in mind,so noone ruins other participant's fun by crashing him out of race. Midrace join will be disabled. Chat will remain open for whole event,but any offences and insults will not be tolarated,so won't be spamming (multiple pressing of binds etc.).
In case you feel yourself being handled unfair by any participant (like unnecesary car contact,blocking etc.),feel free to post protest against him in this thread,and if found guilty,the driver either will be stripped of results from that specific race or even disqualified from whole event.
Server - will be online at least 3 hours before event start with available all event cars for practice. Server will be password protected,so only those people can join,who are aware about this event. Server name and password will be posted when server will be online.
If you plan to attend,please post about it here (no need to sign up) on this thread,so everyone is aware of number of potential participants. There are 24 slots in starting grid (for each race),but I'm not so optimistic to expect them to be filled completely. If you come late,you can still participate if there are free slots.
Hope we all will have fun and race clean!