Staying awake at night and going for a walk somewhere far outside the town is really entertaining! When no light source is near, awfully lot of stars appear in the sky. And if you're walking in/near the forest you have a big chance of seeing an owl! Its huge, deadly and at the same time peaceful eyes look incredible at night. Not to mention noises which insomniac animals make when they hopelessly wander trough the woods searching of what or who to eat. Sounds crazy, but it's awesome! And you don't feel sleepy, when you have something to do.
It's my favourite thing to do, when partying somewhere outside the town. When people are starting to fall asleep, pick a friend or two, take knives and go out to pick berries/hunt down animals. When sun starts to rise, silently sneak back in, go near sleeping people and start making as much noise as possible. RISE AND SHINE YOU CHILDREN OF BITCHES!!!
Lol, i'm crazy

Sorry about offtopic, but the secret about eyes is a secret no more!