The online racing simulator
oh yes
Hello to everyone: I'm Sagutxo from Spain, I have just licensed S2 and I'm using the game for training my wife in order to get the B car driving license. The LSF S2 simulated car has improved dramatically her driving skills in just two days and the car academy teacher has realized it, supposing my wife is training with my own (real) car.

So congrats for the developers, it's not only a great game but also a good help in the first steps for learning to drive a real car.

I combined it with a Logitech G27 wheel with shift and pedals (with clutch).

Just two days ago I had many doubts to invest on it, I never thought that a simulated car game could help so much in the process of learning to drive car.


Edu Sagutxo
Hello guys, my friends finaly convinced me to try out lfs, and i'm quite impressed with the quality of this sim! I'm only on demo at the moment but sooner or later ill be purchacing S2.

Luckily I have my super old thrustmaster wheel to keep me company, however there's no way I can mount it infront of me on my current desk without some modifications.. at least I can use the pedals and use the mouse to steer!

edit: just checked my online stats.. I can't believe i've done 164 laps so far
I must admit, at some points the LFS stats were like levels in a RPG for me. It's good I get bored of RPGs fast. :P
Hey there!

I got into LFS about two months ago, because I heard it was playable without a wheel (though I'm saving up for one - a G27.), so right now I'm playing by mouse.

I'll admit right now, I'm not the best driver, even though I've been playing around in it for a little while now, but I enjoy it. Much better physics than any other racing game I've tried. And, in fact, my real reason for downloading and playing LFS was simply so I could teach myself drifting, as I've seen in so many YouTube videos before.

My only complaint about the sim is that I don't put enough time into playing this game (so far, I've only logged about three hours of messing around in the Car Park. I like doing random parkong lot stuff, like ass-dragging the XFG or doing donuts in the XRG).

Hoping to become S2 licensed in December.

Hoi, Finally I am going to read more teh LFS Forum's.
I started to race, about 2-3 years ago, but because of buzy reallife I stopped for a 1,5 year. Now I am mostly driving in demo, but also in s2 (sometimes).
Though I stay in Demo so long I know this track good enough to drive "eyes-closed". (dont try at home - it might end in teh walls 0.o)
Why I write onder this thread, I am still beginner in forum's and not stabile enough on track.
Pb on xf in BL is about 33,77 if I remember right, on xrg (after 2 and half weeks) 33,65 and still learning.
I see that there are threads for team's but basicly I am looking for team (to have more fun with). So far I have seen, I tried to stay as clean as possible in race, sometimes it's kinda hard when someone can't find his/her brakes, but thats life.
In short, I am open for invitations and hoping to land on professional team in Demo (1st).
greets, Toots
Live for Speed is great!
Been playing demo for about a week now and I love the driving in this game. Even the keyboard controls were ok to use at first but now I use a Xbox 360 controller on a laptop and I find it easier to use since I'm mainly a console gamer but later want to get a wheel that works with consoles and PC (if thats possible). Lately I've been trying to drift in the demo but is hard since the cars are underpowered in the demo version. I Downloaded a drift setup on here for the XRG today and I'm about to try it out. I tried the carX drift demo and didn't think it was that good although it had more powerful cars on there. Rfactor demo was pretty good although to play it more than an hour you need to pay and get a license. Live for speed is the best sim-racing game I've tried but mind you I've only tried the ones mentioned and also vDrift & racer. I will consider buying a license in the future though to get more cars and tracks especially the autocross which recently I found out there's some autocross going on in my area but have never done before so It'd be nice to get some practice on LFS first. Are the licenses permanent or are they for like a year or something?
New S2 user.

Amazing sim racer. Like real life, only cheaper. Can't wait to get a graphics card and get some practice in.
Hello all. I'm looking for a good sim with a decent amount of drivers and "fairly" good physics so I thought I'd give LFS a go. Does LFS have a V8SC equal? Thanks for reading.
Quote from Dynodope :Been playing demo for about a week now and I love the driving in this game. Even the keyboard controls were ok to use at first but now I use a Xbox 360 controller on a laptop and I find it easier to use since I'm mainly a console gamer but later want to get a wheel that works with consoles and PC (if thats possible). Lately I've been trying to drift in the demo but is hard since the cars are underpowered in the demo version. I Downloaded a drift setup on here for the XRG today and I'm about to try it out. I tried the carX drift demo and didn't think it was that good although it had more powerful cars on there. Rfactor demo was pretty good although to play it more than an hour you need to pay and get a license. Live for speed is the best sim-racing game I've tried but mind you I've only tried the ones mentioned and also vDrift & racer. I will consider buying a license in the future though to get more cars and tracks especially the autocross which recently I found out there's some autocross going on in my area but have never done before so It'd be nice to get some practice on LFS first. Are the licenses permanent or are they for like a year or something?

Welcome to LFS! The licence is permanent.

Okay im done shouting. Ive been playing LFS since the early 0.1 version of 2002 . Infact, LFS has been in more then 50% of my life. XD
Hello Im new on the lfs forum
Perhaps someone here know me
Im Flexbody lover from the rigs of rods forum
Hi I'm from London U.K
I joined today any tips for newbies?
Quote from Murdoc09 :Hi I'm from London U.K
I joined today any tips for newbies?

Yeah, don't get mad on slow development and lack of good servers. This may be fixed when or if the new patch ever comes out.

Best fun can be found on tweak servers imo. Tweak can be found here

Have a look in the LFS Manual for all sort of tips and guides. A lot of useful stuff can be found in the forum too; have a look in the stickied-threads or search for key words.

If you need any help, just post in the relevant section and someone will help you out.

If you're looking for specific race sets you can find them on the following two sites (they're sorted by car/track).

Quote from GAVD999 :Try and plenty of sets for most car/track combos on them

See you on track!
Hiya Forum, Just picked up S2 and may I say what a game! is there anyone (besides me) that uses a dual-analoge controller and is there a reasonably afforable wheel setup?
Heya everybody! Wassup? 10 days past since i bought s2 and 3 days since i took my sweet g27 I have to say that the simulation is awesome, keep it up devs!
Quote from Rysho :Hiya Forum, Just picked up S2 and may I say what a game! is there anyone (besides me) that uses a dual-analoge controller and is there a reasonably afforable wheel setup?

hello Rysho i use a playstation 3 pad which at 1st i found difficult but with the right settings it was easier.ive mainly race bl1 fbm and most other cars on oval and found it to be good enough.
Quote from Rysho : is there a reasonably afforable wheel setup?

All I can say is DFGT. I think you can get it for less than 130bucks.
Hey what's up everyone, I'm from Texas and I drive a 1990 240sx with an SR swap. I was introduced to LFS via a friend pirating. I've browsed around and know what's up and I shall be purchasing my LFS license soon, after I get cleared up on how much to send. (there was a link earlier but I have lost it) Anyway looking forward to playing online and seeing what lap times everyone is making!
Hi all, I go by the alias 'Josh' in-game so if you spot me, give me a yell. I hope to see alot of you in-game.

Josh out.
You're welcomed Ouh and nice, you got S2!
Hello there, I am SpeedPhantom, maybe some of you saw me on Air Attack demo servers, I currently only roll demo, I will try to get a S2 licence, because it's really worth it, but I don't have a debit card, so that sucks. I usually drive the XFG and my best time is 1:34:54, I am here to learn a bit more, and how to create my own setups.

Just started LFS about a few minutes ago. I have managed to get the controls for my G25 up and running except for one thing. The steering XD all the time I have played LFS this morning I have set the degrees of rotation to 900, but it makes no difference and the game responds as if the wheel has only 90 degrees of lock. I can't keep my favourite car (LX4) in a straight line at all. I assume there is a controller help section somewhere? I am more of a time attack sort of person and will push myself and the LX4 to get the best lap time possible. I must say LFS is a great looking game, and my laptop was bought for shift 2 unleashed so as that failed to even start up I am left with a beast of a laptop that has an i7 processor. I have hopped from racing game to racing game, and LFS really grabbed me. Can I still race online with a S1 license??

Many thanks for this great site, and I look foward to meeting all of you.


New players say hi here
(3739 posts, started )