Having lost two friends to multiple sclerosis including a best friend I care very much about the work of MS Trust who provide invaluable care for people for people suffering from MS and fund research into finding cures for this debilitating condition.
Today on my drive to work a great idea occurred to me, as a smoker of over 20 years and a self confessed complete addict I thought raising money for MS Trust would be a great motivator to quit the habit.
So I'm asking everyone to make a donation for each day I'm successful in quitting smoking for the first week.
I'm already raising well over £20/day and I thought I would extend an invitation to you - my car racing friends - to help this important work happen for people who really need it.
Would you be kind enough to pledge a donation for each successful day in the first week?
Post your pledges please, and we'll sort out either paypal donations (via the big donation i'm making or you can donate directly at http://www.mstrust.org.uk/) on Monday 3rd October (conveniently right after payday!)
Today on my drive to work a great idea occurred to me, as a smoker of over 20 years and a self confessed complete addict I thought raising money for MS Trust would be a great motivator to quit the habit.
So I'm asking everyone to make a donation for each day I'm successful in quitting smoking for the first week.
I'm already raising well over £20/day and I thought I would extend an invitation to you - my car racing friends - to help this important work happen for people who really need it.
Would you be kind enough to pledge a donation for each successful day in the first week?
Post your pledges please, and we'll sort out either paypal donations (via the big donation i'm making or you can donate directly at http://www.mstrust.org.uk/) on Monday 3rd October (conveniently right after payday!)