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Hacked FB acount
(43 posts, started )
Quote from MadCatX :Actually, I don't think I am. 200 000 * 11110 + some randomization like first letter in caps gives about 4.4 E9 combinations. Even if you could try only 1000 passwords per second, it'd take just 51 days to crack it. A 9 chars long password containing randomly ordered letters, numbers and special chars leads to about 5.2 E16 combinations. At 1000 p/s it would take over 1.6 million years to get this one.

Also it's not like a hacker would try to type passwords into FB login page. He'd rather sniff the communication to get the hashed password and try to get to the password by calculating an appropriate hash for all possible passwords and comparing it to the sniffed hash.

Maybe a keylogger was used...
Quote from matijapkc :Your guessing powers seem to be very weak and incorrect... I have my pass remembered on my phone, so I wasn't typing it, and noone had a hold of my phone so I'd exclude this possibility. Also, I never used anyone's PC or phone to sign in to FB, except the school one, but I didn't check the "remember login" thing, and I deleted the complete history (including saved password, cookies and all) after the login... E: I mean, when I logged out...

So you would bet your life that no-one posted the comment on your phone? I can do so much without people realising, all you need to do is keep a straight face and don't bring to attention what you've done.
thank lord for app lock

needs a password to open apps on my phone

just has to admit he got fraped hard lol
Quote from Juzaa :The number of possibilities is near 200,000,000.

Just FYI, CUDA-based md5 crackers do ~500 MHash/sec even on mid-level GPU's (that's 500,000,000 hashes PER SECOND0.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :So you would bet your life that no-one posted the comment on your phone? I can do so much without people realising, all you need to do is keep a straight face and don't bring to attention what you've done.

Yes, I would as the status was typed while I was at home, sleeping with my phone lying 40cm from my face... And I also bet my life that noone was even in my room while I was sleeping.
Quote from matijapkc :Yes, I would as the status was typed while I was at home, sleeping with my phone lying 40cm from my face... And I also bet my life that noone was even in my room while I was sleeping.

Well if you can say what the status was, if it referred to your personal life, or something personal then you know its of someone who KNOWS you or (thinks) they know you personally. Best to start from that, if you narrow it down to someone who knows you, chances are you got fraped rather than hacked.
Dunno would I get a infraction for that lol... It was like if I was commenting on a girl, but there is no name of the girl, and I don't have a gf so it isn't connected to reality... It could be anyone...
Quote from matijapkc :Dunno would I get a infraction for that lol... It was like if I was commenting on a girl, but there is no name of the girl, and I don't have a gf so it isn't connected to reality... It could be anyone...

I guess its a random hack then, if it bares no slither of truth. I wouldn't worry about it, change password check no data has been changed and then continue.
Well, I changed my pass, I even made a whole new mailbox and changed to that one, I also added the SMS security check when logging in and I set my e-mail to be visible only to me, as I didn't know it was visible to everyone by default.
It should be really hard to hack me now, lol.
Password Reuse?
I'd just like to point out that a common attack vector is password reuse. If you use the same password all over then internet, then if any server you have an account with is hacked, it's fairly likely they will be able snag all the passwords, find yours, and hack your Facebook account.

Realistically, I find it hard to believe that an uber hacker would bother with posting obnoxious messages to your FB. That sounds personal to me.
It would take a desktop PC
About 49 thousand years
to hack your password
It would take a desktop PC
About 36 billion years
to hack your password

It would take a desktop PC
About 23 quadrillion years
to hack your password

It would take a desktop PC
About 15 septemvigintillion years
to hack your password

Your password would be hacked

Quote :It would take a desktop PC
About 7 quinquatrigintillion years
to hack your password


Hacked FB acount
(43 posts, started )