TheReality Racing Team presents: All-Wheel-Drive Winter Series (AWS)!
This league has already it's history in Latvian local level - there have been 2 seasons,unfortunately due to lost website,all data is gone and lost forever. Since latvian community is quite innactive lately,we decided to bring AWS to international level!
AWS (as you can understand from it's name) is league where are used both all-wheel-drive cars in LFS - FXO GTR and RB4 GT. And since winter mostly associates with slippery driving conditions (well,at least in our part of world),the best way to have fun in such conditions is to race AWD cars - this is how the idea born for this league. To make it slippery,half of the tracks are rallycross ones,the tricky part - 2 of those will be raced with FXR,pushing driver's skills to the limit. Despite having the "wrong" tyres,FXR is the fastest car on rallycross tracks (unless some crazy fanatic beats it with BF1),lapping BL2 in under minute,and sideways is the fastest way - what could be more fun?
Series will consist of 8 rounds starting early december through january and finishing late february - 5 rounds will be run using FXR (2 rallycross tracks and one of each - road course,street course and oval) and 3 will be held with RB4 (2 different rallycross tracks and 1 road course),giving the opportunity to race most variable conditions. Race lenght will be planned to be around 40 minutes after 20 minutes of qualifying,exept last 2 rounds,where distance will be determined using round numbers (either laps or kilometers) and qualifying will be the hotlap one.

The provisional schedule:
(#. CAR - track)
1. FXR - Blackwood Rallycross (BL2)
2. RB4 - Kyoto GP Long Reversed (KY3R)
3. FXR - South City City Long (SO4)
4. RB4 - Fern Bay Rallycross (FE5)
5. FXR - Aston Grand Prix (AS5)
6. RB4 - Aston Club Cross (AS2X)*
7. FXR - Fern Bay RallyX Green (FE6)
8. FXR - Kyoto Oval (KY1)
* Track layout yet to be finalized and checked against bugs at one particular section
The league was planned in it's usual time - sunday evenings,unfortunately organizers of the new LFS Super GT Series decided to switch to that time,pushing us to change plans - at the moment best possible time will be monday evenings 19:00 UTC (21:00 EET / 20:00 CET).
But this is where potential participants can still cast their thoughts - if there's a big majority of interesents willing this league in other day (but deffinitely different than tuesday or thursday - due to RTFRi and Baltic cup),we will rearrange the schedule.
Well,slicks on rallycross tracks isn't the best idea maybe (still big fun though :P),that's where this thing (found in lfsdatabase website) could come handy - driving the "right" tyres gives a couple advantages - slightly better laptimes (after some 20 minutes testing today I managed to beat my slick PB by a second in BL2) and easier handling in dirt parts,but this mod brings a lot of problems - some anti-virus programs considers it as malware (I cannot guarantee it's not),server problems (only way I know is to use Multimod dedi,which also allows to use tweaks - impossible to control if someone doesn't drive with some extra horsepower,since there is no CPW) and tyre overheating and poor handling on tarmac (ok,that's a bad excuse,but still).
This is where potential participants comes in decision again - what do you think? Is the Slickmod necessary or let's leave it original way?
Any exact announcements (together with info and signups) will be made mid-november,
until then I'm hoping for some feedback,comments and suggestions from all interested drivers!
until then I'm hoping for some feedback,comments and suggestions from all interested drivers!
Rony / TheReality Racing Team

Rony / TheReality Racing Team