Quote from DevilDare :Drive is really good!

Loved it. Slow paced, but well executed with plenty of deep emotions and feelings.

The main character is absolutely badass. Loved his "secret / quiet" personality. Also, the soundtrack is top notch.

My only criticism would be the engine sounds. Very, very poor...

Edit - For some reason some parts of the movie, especially the intro, reminded me of Vice City. The font they used is very reminiscent of the one in Vice City.

Well, the Vice City fonts are reminiscent of the fonts used in Miami Vice and Michael Mann's movies, etc.
God i'm loosing faith in people i can't believe any of the comments anymore. "Drive" was the biggest junk i've seen in a decade perhaps. Would've passed as a school project, but 8.5 on IMDB, 8 freakin 5?? lol Terrible directing, million of unnecessary slow motion shots, bad guys as cliche as they could be.. jesus, i had such high hopes for this, soundtrack is great though, the songs i mean, not creepy screetching unrelated-to-the-scene noises..
Not films but recently I watched Garth Marenghi's Darkplace and Snuff Box.

Both really funny series. Never noticed them on TV when they were showing but so glad I found them now.

If random comedy is your thing, check them out.
Quote from Boris Lozac :God i'm loosing faith in people i can't believe any of the comments anymore. "Drive" was the biggest junk i've seen in a decade perhaps. Would've passed as a school project, but 8.5 on IMDB, 8 freakin 5?? lol Terrible directing, million of unnecessary slow motion shots, bad guys as cliche as they could be.. jesus, i had such high hopes for this, soundtrack is great though, the songs i mean, not creepy screetching unrelated-to-the-scene noises..

Quote from Boris Lozac :God i'm loosing faith in people i can't believe any of the comments anymore. "Drive" was the biggest junk i've seen in a decade perhaps. Would've passed as a school project, but 8.5 on IMDB, 8 freakin 5?? lol Terrible directing, million of unnecessary slow motion shots, bad guys as cliche as they could be.. jesus, i had such high hopes for this, soundtrack is great though, the songs i mean, not creepy screetching unrelated-to-the-scene noises..

Great recommendation, thanks.
Am i not getting the sarcasm or are you agreeing with me that the movie is rubish Or the option number three that we should not comment on the movies we didn't like?
I'm reading it as him saying the stuff you found unbearable sounds really good to him.
Watch Top Gun. Its my personal favourite. six out of five =D
Quote from Boris Lozac :Am i not getting the sarcasm or are you agreeing with me that the movie is rubish Or the option number three that we should not comment on the movies we didn't like?

Don't take me seriously (I'm still going to rent the movie though)
Watched Sucker Punch last night. Not too bad. Not an intellectual watch by any means but at least it wasn't completely unimaginative. Clearly the story line was thought up by an avid gamer though !
I don't know, I spent some time in the Sucker Punch forums at IMDB and people there seem to think the movie goes much deeper. There are some theories. I'm not convinced, though.
Time for some Spanish:

Salvador - based on the life of Salvador Puig Antich, a Spanish anarchist executed under the Franco regime.

Celda 211 - prison action/drama done well.
Source Code - good but i cant figure out the ending no matter how many times i watch it. confusing.
Should have listened to xaotik before deciding to watch The Tree of Life...
Drive was amazing. Thanks for the recommendation!
WHAT was amazing lol Honestly.. Talk about wasted potential, that Nascar was driven longer in the trailer... Could've been mind blowingly good, a badass stunt driver, music, there were all the right ingredients for a fantastic film but they somehow managed to totally fu*k it up.
Quote from Boris Lozac :WHAT was amazing lol Honestly.. Talk about wasted potential, that Nascar was driven longer in the trailer... Could've been mind blowingly good, a badass stunt driver, music, there were all the right ingredients for a fantastic film but they somehow managed to totally fu*k it up.

I loved the pacing, direction and the overall slow burning feel of it. The camera work was second to none.

It would have been utterly stupid as a Michael Bay movie or Fast and the Furious kinda snooze fest.
I'm not saying that, far from it, but did you honestly expected that kind of movie after that awesome opening scene? Awfull love story, and that kind of story in general, what was the point of that scene in the elevator, why did he smashed his skull and why did they showed that, what was the point? What about that totally naive behavior in the last scene, turning his back like that.. i mean it's full of stupid directing choices.
Can you stop spoiling it? Thanks.

Recommend a film you've seen lately.
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