The online racing simulator
Anyone here able to do me a big drawing / photoshop favour?
Basically, a mate of mine passed away, and a few of us would like to get a tattoo in his honour, and we would like to incorporate the blue honda crx del sol, his pride and joy, into the tattoo.

I have seen these cartoonified characature things that you can get of cars, but they seema bit OTT really, so ideally, this car, but made to look like a drawing or sketch would be ideal.

basically, this look...

But this car...

I have tried to do this myself using photoshop but all i managed was a blurry mess, so if anyone could help me then it would be greatly appreciated, many thanks.
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That's a nice thought but maybe you should give it a few weeks before you decide to get a tattoo. If you decide to go through with it, a good tattoo artist will be able to draw what you're looking for with just the pic of his car. If he can't I would go somewhere else.
Quote from flymike91 :a good tattoo artist will be able to draw what you're looking for with just the pic of his car. If he can't I would go somewhere else.

This. If he can't draw it on paper himself, then he's not going to make a good job of doing it in ink on your arm/face/genitalia.
The attached image any good as a starter for someone? I didn't make it, just found it on Google.
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Thanks for that idea beefyman, hadnt though of going down the vector drawing route.

And so, with my (extremely!) limited knowledge of photoshop, and about 3 hours on it, i have come up with this so far...

Far from good, but well on the way to what i want, just need to do some work on the serious pixilation i have on the wheels and some other edges and ill be happier, probably wont even use this as a tattoo base, i just like the look of it as a picture in general, there is one thing that i really want to do but cant, which is to have a shadow under the car, but no matter what tutorials i follow, and whatever layer gaussion blur stuff i try, it never works, i either get the background black and blurry, or nothing happens, so if someone wanted to maybe download this and add a shadow for me then i really wouldnt mind
Select the grey background using magic wand tools + whatever other selection tools you need to get a clean edge

Press delete to remove grey background and then put a new transparent layer underneath the car layer. Use paintbrush tool with a soft brush and 50% or so opacity, draw shadow under car. It takes some time/skill to make it look perfect. Ideally do it in one hit, once you start touching in areas you get uneven shadow and it looks a mess. This is how I'd do a shadow but other people may have other suggestions.

5 second bodge job example attached below

(In this example the shadow is too dark and generally rubbish :rolleyes
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Marginally better example attached..

It still looks dodgy because of the remaining white background around the wheels, but that's down to my lazy selection effort
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