Welcome to a new generation of racing!
Welcome to a new generation of REAL racing!
Welcome to the vERX MoThuSa-Cup!
Welcome to a new generation of REAL racing!
Welcome to the vERX MoThuSa-Cup!

Have you ever dreamed to drive the most powerful car, on the most trickiest tracks?
Have you ever dreamed to get the feeling of pure adrenaline, fear and that special giggle?
You are now about to witness all those feelings all mixed up togehter with a big grin!
I bet you are asking why...
Why? I bet i only need exactly two words to get you excited.
What about FXR... and Rallycross?
In three races, you are able to handle the most powerful all-wheel-driven car in LFS, at the most exciting Rallycross tracks. We have real RX starts, Jokerlaps and you will even feel like you have to wipe the dirt off your windscreen.
Like i said, there are three races, each of them at 8pm (GMT +1). The first race on Monday October 24, 2011. The second race on Thursday October 27, 2011. And the last and third race on Sunday October 30, 2011.
The only thing you need is the Slickmod.
The Slickmod works by starting LFS, use ALT+TAB to start Slickmod, click 'connect' and you are ready to use offroad type oder mixed type tires within Live for Speed.
We are looking forward to see you on track!
Your vERX-Team!
To entrie for the event you must register for the vERX Forum here first.
After you´re registered, you can entrie here.
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