The online racing simulator
storedvalue.dbs show data site
Do you know how to do that storedvalue.dbs the file to appear on the site show data Cash, Dist and Health?
You need to learn about how to set and get variables and value info out of the database - might be worth you having a look at this topic for some ideas.

Or you can look at the Cruise addon by Fire_optikz001, which uses SetCurrentPlayerVar and GetCurrentPlayerVar.
Information from the file storedvalue.dbs need to show a data.php file on the site. But how is this done?

And where you have specified links I watched a lot of times and I could not find anything suitable.

I also tried and


if (!
$dbhandle) die ($error);
$query "SELECT Name, Sex FROM Friends";
$result sqlite_query($dbhandle$query);
if (!
$result) die("Cannot execute query.");

$row sqlite_fetch_array($resultSQLITE_ASSOC); 

$row sqlite_fetch_array($resultSQLITE_NUM); 

$row sqlite_fetch_array($resultSQLITE_BOTH); 



but no one not work.
Do you know why not work?

SetPlayerName( "Name", GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );

you can specify a text file to export via ftp.

Look at ftp features of LFSLapper

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

you can specify a text file to export via ftp.

Look at ftp features of LFSLapper


I did not understand.

How to get the text file?

Can you explain how to export a file and how does it work?
#7 - Krayy
Download SQLlite Admin so that you can open the database file and look at its contents. Then you should be able to use that information to craft your SQL queries using the sqlite php library.

The database schema is pretty simple. You're looking for the fi_user_value table which has the following schema:

CREATE TABLE fi_user_value 
key CHAR50 ),
userName CHAR20 ),
nickName CHAR20 ),
nickNameStripped CHAR20 ),
numval INTEGER,
strval CHAR(50)

Cash, Distance and Health will be entries that can be queried using the key (in game Variable Name) and userName fields.
I know the database then I watched it all a million times.

I need the data to show the site.

And if you're on
SetPlayerName( "Name", GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );

It created everything I am sure will make none mistakes without creating a new database table but LFSLapper bug and it does not work does not record data.

I do not have that in common fi_user_value a bunch of clones. I need a separate new table that included the player's ID and UserName, which would give the player list.

Name CHAR20 )

Name = write in player UserName

The new table at a shows glance the whole number of players.
Do not read any of the LFS Lapper value error, an error and does not work.
#9 - Krayy
In it's current state, Lapper I'm not sure that Lapper can do what you need. Can you give us some examples of how you would use this table in a Lapper script and then I can see if I can figure out a way for it to what you need.

The SetPlayerVar command requires you to specify a Player name, otherwise it defaults to the current player, so getting a whole list of player names is not possible using that method.
Quote from Krayy :In it's current state, Lapper I'm not sure that Lapper can do what you need. Can you give us some examples of how you would use this table in a Lapper script and then I can see if I can figure out a way for it to what you need.

The SetPlayerVar command requires you to specify a Player name, otherwise it defaults to the current player, so getting a whole list of player names is not possible using that method.

I created a new database table and here LFSLapper only problem that can not read anything.

I need to create a list of players with ID and players UserName to find out the number of players.

So you only want to get a count of unique players who had ever joined your server, or do you want their names as well?

Alos what about last logon date or other stats?
For now I want to know just how many players are (will) all in and try to do as work.
LFSLapper but does not record the data into my created table.

Another is that the number of players changing show's website.
In that case you'll need to wait for an upcoming version that contains that functionality. It shouldn't be too long in coming though as I have some of that in a different branch for our servers and will submit it in the next couple of weeks for inclusion in the next lapper.
Are you currently can be in the database, the data show the site?

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

you can specify a text file to export via ftp.

Look at ftp features of LFSLapper


And you can tell it in more detail?
If we add a User table to the Lapper database to record Users login information, what info would be of use? This stuff can be shown on Player Info screens and updated to allow for quick stats generation.

So far I have:

LFS UserName
PlayerName (Can change due to Options->Rename)
Member Type (Guest, Returning, Affilliate, Member, Admin)
Last Login time
Last Full Race time
email (optional - for member or admin only use)
Races completed
Races won
Podium finishes
Racer rank (based on point wins to rate racer status)
Allowed Cars (not only for cruise but also other series stuff)