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Me sick drift with keyboard (video)
(47 posts, started )
Me sick drift with keyboard (video)
Try again.
For beginner in drifting you are fine
#6 - Zay
Quote from CheerioDM :Try again.

No please dont, just leave it at that. That was 30 seconds of my life taken away from me their, i dont need anymore.
Hokay, first out, videos are to be posted in the video section of the forum, link:

Also, the framerate of the movie were choppy, not flowing, the camera needs more work, the movie itself feels a, well it just does not feels like you have done any work at all with the video.

I know drifting is hard with keyboard, so for that I applaud you, but the video needs a lot more work.
oh im sorry for posting in the wrong section.
I did set the recording program to the highest possible frame rate (30 frames i think). The recording program was camtasia studio.
You must also always keep in mind, the drifting was done with keyboard, that is a lot more difficult than with driving wheel (I imagine, never used driving wheel on pc before). And also I want to add, I have picked a more difficult car for drifting than in all the other videos. In other drifting videos there is this turbo charged car wich is a lot easier.
I do not drift myself, so it's maybe even unfair of me speaking bad about it
But, people can be pretty hard on this forum towards cruisers and drifters, since it's a little disagreement going on, "What is a usefull way using LFS".

Either way, so to try beeing constructive:
Practise what you love doing, and watch some videos to get ideas, tips and tricks on what you can improve on the video part.

Baby jesus is crying!
Does not want.
Quote from railbird :You must also always keep in mind, the drifting was done with keyboard, that is a lot more difficult than with driving wheel

Not really. All depends on finding keyboard settings that suit your driving style. Once you get proper settings dialed in, you let the autosteer do most of the work for you and just keep tapping fine adjustments. Earlier this year when I was really bored and decided to learn drifting using keyboard, it only took around 2 months to get somewhat consistent with it.

Once you find comfortable keyboard settings, your driving will be hard to tell apart from people driving on steering wheels. Recorded a short replay (I recommend you do the same in the future instead of uploading chase cam videos) where I tried to be as smooth as possible using keys.
Attached files
derpboard.spr - 228.6 KB - 261 views
Quote from Matrixi :Once you get proper settings dialed in, you let the autosteer do most of the work for you and just keep tapping fine adjustments.

what does this mean? autosteer? i do not use any artificial helping systems, i have all helps and assistants turned of. also turned the traction control of, of course. anything else is not an option for me.
edit: i also use manual shifting and manual clutch even.
Aka. keyboard - stabilized (Ks) as opposed to keyboard - no help (Kn).

Kn isn't really doable if you ever want to drift consistently.
ah ok. i have keyboard no help.
If you don't have a wheel I suggest to try mouse steering. It's much better than just k/b. I mean I'm a wheel user but even still I can manage a somewhat decent drifting with the mouse if I sometimes feel like fooling around. Just needs a bit practise tbh but analog steering is way better.
Sick drift bro
This was cool in 2007...
Quote from PioneerLv :This was cool in 2007...

I remember some guys from TzT drifted 10x better than that with keyboard back in 2006
but not with this car
You are about the worst "drifter" I've ever seen. Even the keyboard drifters included. And that was powersliding there, no drifting.
You fail pretty hard trying to come show off here

Btw, FZ5 is just as hard to drift as XRT. XRT might be even harder.
the fz5 is a lot easier to drift (properly) with than the xrt
Even 1080p didint help!
Is it me or is it like a slideshow isntead of an actual video?

Oh, and where do you actually drift? I didn't see a single actual drift tbh.

Me sick drift with keyboard (video)
(47 posts, started )