Please follow the following template. If you do not, we hold the right to give you a funny name on the tracker. 
Country Name list (this is what you need to use so the flag displays :P) : albania, argentina, australia, austria, belarus, belgium, bolivia, bosnia and herzegovina, brazil, bulgaria, canada, chile, china, colombia, croatia, czech republic, denmark, ecuador, england, estonia, finland, france, georgia, germany, greece, grenada, hong kong, hungary, iceland, india ireland, italy, jamaica, japan, latvia, lebanon, lithuania, luxembourg, macedonia, mexico, netherlands, new zealand, northern ireland, norway, peru, poland, portugal, romania, russia, san marino, saudi arabia, scotland, serbia, slovakia, slovenia, south africa, south korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, taiwan, turkey, ukraine, united kingdom, uruguay, usa, uzbekistan, wales
Confirmation Deadline: 2359 UTC 3rd November 2011
Confirmed Teams/Total Teams: 24/27
#02 SE Racing
#03 My3id Gaming
#04 DRUNK Team
#05 Sonicrealms Racing
#09 spdo Racing
#10 Tiger Express Motorsports
#11 Conquest Racing
#13 Absolute Beginners
#18 TheReality Racing Team
#20 Vortex Motorsports
#22 Drunk Team 2
#23 LowLandLions 2
#26 Genuine Racing
#27 Genuine Racing 2
#30 CoRe Racing
#33 Guglhupf Racing Team
#35 Team Vires 2
#36 Team Vires
#44 World Crash League
#46 LowLandLions
#60 CoRe Racing 2
#66 Wicked Racing Team
#67 Wicked Racing Team 2
#86 Black Bull Racing
#88 Scuderia Fica del Nord
#92 Pure Motorsport
#98 Angry Angus Racing
Confirmed Teams in BOLD; Late Confirmed Teams in BOLD, Red Color

teamName: Eoin loves his stang on a Friday Racing
car: FZR
number: 01
- {Username, Forename Surname, Country}
- {dekojester, Jonathan Palmer, USA}
Country Name list (this is what you need to use so the flag displays :P) : albania, argentina, australia, austria, belarus, belgium, bolivia, bosnia and herzegovina, brazil, bulgaria, canada, chile, china, colombia, croatia, czech republic, denmark, ecuador, england, estonia, finland, france, georgia, germany, greece, grenada, hong kong, hungary, iceland, india ireland, italy, jamaica, japan, latvia, lebanon, lithuania, luxembourg, macedonia, mexico, netherlands, new zealand, northern ireland, norway, peru, poland, portugal, romania, russia, san marino, saudi arabia, scotland, serbia, slovakia, slovenia, south africa, south korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, taiwan, turkey, ukraine, united kingdom, uruguay, usa, uzbekistan, wales
Confirmation Deadline: 2359 UTC 3rd November 2011
Confirmed Teams/Total Teams: 24/27
#02 SE Racing
#03 My3id Gaming
#04 DRUNK Team
#05 Sonicrealms Racing
#09 spdo Racing
#10 Tiger Express Motorsports
#11 Conquest Racing
#13 Absolute Beginners
#18 TheReality Racing Team
#20 Vortex Motorsports
#22 Drunk Team 2
#23 LowLandLions 2
#26 Genuine Racing
#27 Genuine Racing 2
#30 CoRe Racing
#33 Guglhupf Racing Team
#35 Team Vires 2
#36 Team Vires
#44 World Crash League
#46 LowLandLions
#60 CoRe Racing 2
#66 Wicked Racing Team
#67 Wicked Racing Team 2
#86 Black Bull Racing
#88 Scuderia Fica del Nord
#92 Pure Motorsport
#98 Angry Angus Racing
Confirmed Teams in BOLD; Late Confirmed Teams in BOLD, Red Color