Well as i already said in my pm to MarizioNaselli, i took this criticism as the final reason to say, that this was my last 16h. If someone of our team wants to continue, it would be great, but as a matter of fact i had only 3 persons to help me for the whole organisation. One did nearly everything about the registrationhomepage and tracker. One serveradmin was asleep about half of the race and then another teammate came to help me. The rest was my job and i have to admit, that i had way to less time to do it as there were some things not done like rules for this year. I had notes in German how i wanted to change the rules (that were the rules that got criticism). It was nearly me alone who looked up 32 hours of racing for disconnects and if they should be penalized. This was way too much for me and so i have to say, that i won't continue this race.
Like i said maybe someone of our team will continue it, but if there is someone, you won't find out until April next year.