I normally don't bother to post anymore, coming here every few weeks or months to see what's up, never get online as other things take precedence and I've lost any small amount of skill I once did
But I do wish the impossibly difficult type physics would get done and released. We know Scawen is a perfectionist, so will he be battering his head up against the wall for the next 100 years trying to get theses physics 100 % right before we get to see em?
Perfection cannot be achieved, so we have a dilemma, at what point does Scawen get close enough to realise it's an infinite work, like getting these physics 100 % won't happen cause of infinitesimal variations etc. I think it's like calculating the value of PI to it's absolute end it cannot be done within a reasonable time period.
I'm not whining or having a go at Scawen and his quest for the best he can give, I admire that, but at some point the poor man is going to burn out or have a nervous breakdown and we won't get anything?
Ok. Scawen, I know you're out there watching . Can we encourage you to make a decision to accept the physics you have done at a reasonable percentage of perfect (95%) ???? and release all the delayed stuff and content and move on to getting those AI to enter and leave pits without crashing and clogging the lanes

I need the AI to practice with as my wireless connection sux.
Cheers Shannon