In any case I think we will hear more about stupid sh

t like this in the future.
Not long ago i remember reading about 12 yo kid who was handcuffed by police in the class for...
Farting during lesson
What even more shocking is that the teacher couldn't handle the boy with digestive problem and had to call the police for help.
Seriously a teacher cant handle farting 12 yo smartass?
And the other 12 yo girl was handcuffed for writing on her desk the following "Lex was here 2/1/10" "I love my friends Abby and Faith."
Somehow I have no high hopes for modern educational system, I am terrified to see that supposedly mature and reasonable people often behave themselves like idiots and teachers who suppose to teach kids in schools dont even remember what it meant to be a kid.
Overzealous people searching for signs of moral decay in what was once normal behaviour and political correctness being misinterpreted in every possible way bringing double moral standards.
The list is long and the worst thing is, you cant do anything