The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
(445 posts, started )
i need a new companion
quick save man, quick save!

I hope they come out with a patch so things you put on fire actually burns.
i MIGHT have hit a couple of swings at her myself >_>
but thats irrelevant and accidental
You know when you put your winter coat on for the first time since the previous winter and find money in the pocket? I did the Skyrim version of that. I left Lydia waiting in a building holding all of my gear while I was out stealing, someone spotted me and the whole village tried to kill me so I ran away. When I went back Lydia was gone, so I thought nothing of it until a few days later while I was playing it said "your companion got bored of waiting and left".

By that point I was doing okay without her, so I ignored it, not knowing where to find her. Recently I went back to Dragons Reach to buy a house and she was there, so I told her to follow me again and checked if she still had my stuff, and she did, most of the things she had were enchanted weapons and expensive armour which proved very useful. But all of the stolen items I gave her were missing, so I don't know if she was caught and put in jail or something or if the game just lost those things on its own.

Anyway, now I'm level 100 in Smithing so I can make Dragon Armour and I've started to enchant weapons too. The biggest boost was getting 20,000 coins for killing the Emperor for The Dark Brotherhood.

True story! happens to me all the time.
How do I get these two things walking together, please?
  • Social life
  • Skyrim
Quote from Mysho :How do I get these two things walking together, please?
  • Social life
  • Skyrim

I'm lead to believe that this is not possible. Hence why I have resisted the temptation to join the Cult of Skyrim
Quote from Mysho :How do I get these two things walking together, please?
  • Social life
  • Skyrim

Make your co-workers/-students play Skyrim and talk about Skyrim whenever you see them at work/university/school.

I'm still not convinced I'd enjoy Skyrim so instead I fired up Morrowind and continued my last attempt at playing.
It's going rather smoothly at the moment because I almost maxed out on alchemy so whenever I have to go anywhere I make a few potions of levitation and then I fly there. It's a bit boring though because I have to fly very high to avoid airborn monsters which means I can only see fog below.

Quote from Vain :
I'm still not convinced I'd enjoy Skyrim so instead I fired up Morrowind and continued my last attempt at playing.

Kleptomania could never be the rush in Skyrim that it was in Morrowind.
...a bit disappointing is not being able to collect pillows, in Morrowind, I had all my houses full with them and also used them to build castles in the sky.
Some interesting things....

Your companions can read spell tomes, and learn them! Just put it in their inventory. Along with health potions and what not
They will use the spells as needed and drink the potions if low on health

You can also give them a soul trap enchanted weapon along with some empty soul gems and they will capture their souls for you
I always hated my companions stealing my kills, so I couldn't soul trap them, not anymore


If you can get a banish Daedra weapon, disenchant that, to get the Banish enchantment, and then you will make big bucks enchanting anything with it!
Iron daggers go from 10 to 800+ gold!
Quote from Fuse5 :Lydia
i need a new companion

bring up console, click on Lydia, type resurrect=1

Just "resurrect" will work too, but she gets reset, weapons, armour, inventory and memory
Hokay, some questions:

1: How I marry people? And what benefits does it have?
2: How do I equipt my followers with weapon, armor and such? How do I command them to pick up automatically all the shit that lies around?
3: Where do I find the deadra.. or how that is spelled... people? The armor is the best in the game but I canot seem to find 'em (need body parts from them to create the armor with the same name)
Quote from The Very End :
3: Where do I find the deadra.. or how that is spelled... people? The armor is the best in the game but I canot seem to find 'em (need body parts from them to create the armor with the same name)

Easiest way I know is to do the quest in Dawnstar where you have to visit a museum. Where you finish the mission, 4 Daedra will spawn there every week (2 outside, 2 inside)
Quote from JackDaMaster :Easiest way I know is to do the quest in Dawnstar where you have to visit a museum. Where you finish the mission, 4 Daedra will spawn there every week (2 outside, 2 inside)

Thanks mate
Are they hostile, attack me?
Quote from JackDaMaster :very hostile

What kind of level do you need to be to avoid having the living crap beaten out of you?
Lol thanks, will check 'em out later
I went and did the greybeard thing by the way, by the time I got round to doing it again I managed to one shot everything, including the Ice Troll dude and a snow sabre thingy.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :What kind of level do you need to be to avoid having the living crap beaten out of you?

Anything above level 20 should be fine (seeing as you get the quest at level 20)
Just put things into your companion inventory and they will use them, but it's not always a sure thing.

Just ask them to do something for you - I think

I installed a few magic mods, and finally things feel much better now.
One has more advanced versions of the novice destruction spells. Very nice, just hold and spray
And 2 handed casting does more damage like it should instead of chewing up mana...

Everytime I fast travel to Riverwood there is a dragon there. Don't want to fight him, because people always end up getting killed, so I have to avoid Riverwood

I'm closing in on 80 hours now, and still feel like I've only done 25% of the content!

tip - set your companions essential and they won't die anymore

bring up console with "`"
help XXXXX 4

xxxx = name of character or item

then scroll up or down with page up/down to find the character/item you want and the id for it

setessential "ID of character" 1

Although I did also cheat that's just for bringing my follower to my level, just couldn't stand seeing Lydia getting two hit killed by some random druger.
Well I keep killing them from friendly fire with my uber magic!

The storm spell is awesome for area fire kiling

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
(445 posts, started )