Hi! I was thinking of making a special Arabic language pack so that its easier for LFS to get known here in Egypt so, could the devs add the Arabic characters support to LFS so that I can make the language pack. Thanks!
iirc Arabic (and also advanced Chinese/Japanese) wasn't added because it's only availible in 2-byte format, which would be way more complicated to implement than the one byte system we have now.
No, Orion. It's Chinese characters which are in the thousands and so are multibyte and require a totally different new system, with characters generated on the fly and not stored all in memory at the same time, and other complications, which suggest that it would be best done on a later version of LFS which is limited to Windows XP.
But Arabic and Hebrew are both alphabet based so a lot easier to implement. But they run from right to left so they are one step harder than the already implemented languages. That is, if they can be reasonably well expressed using the characters on these code pages :
I have not thought through or done the research on how to do right to left languages and I don't know if they can be expressed well enough with those code pages. I plan to do it as some time but I don't know when.