The online racing simulator
Jax's Rallysprint-layouts *New versions

Layout is made to Blackwood 1Y
Best time comes with accurate driving by not hitting obstacles and still going straightest line possible.

Package includes 5 layouts:
- Short /Reversed
- Extended /Reversed
- Jump (Based to Extended with Jumps and Bumps, hold on it's gonna be bumpy ride)

BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-Short.lyt
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-ShortRev.lyt
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-Extended.lyt
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-Ext. Rev.lyt
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-Jump.lyt

I find it best, when using LFS Tweak and car with AWD, 1,6litre 5cyl with 2,0bar boost and SlickMode. It comes unbelivable to drive, almost like driving real 700hp Sprint beast.

Layout's can be altered and published, just mention my nickname.

P.S Please comment and tell me what i could add and change to layouts
Attached files
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-Short.lyt - 6.2 KB - 597 views
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-ShortRev.lyt - 6.2 KB - 512 views
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-Extended.lyt - 6.1 KB - 612 views
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-Ext. Rev.lyt - 6.2 KB - 510 views
BL1Y_Jax's Rallysprint-Jump.lyt - 6.3 KB - 556 views
Pretty interesting. Quick look but seems decent.