The online racing simulator
The Case of the Disappearing Drivers
I'm not downing on the LFS Community here, but rather I'm trying to figure out the cause of a rather odd phenomenon.

Today, at 13:25 GMT the LX World Championships Round #2 was scheduled to take place. Following a more successful than not Round #1 in which 16 out of the 59 drivers signed-up attended (after 28 of them confirmed their possible attendance to the event within the week).

Today, after 20 people confirmed their possible attendance out of the 59 signed-up, a grand total of 6 racers attended.

Basically, in the end, we had a livestreaming broadcast set-up and ready, we had a 5 man administration team in place, a server ready to go, and 59 people who claimed to be ready to compete in it, and a total of 6 drivers attended.

I spend a total of more than 30 hours or more a week putting this series together out of my own free time in order to help this community and in return we have nobody willing to compete or even notify the administration team that they will not be in attendance (A total of 4 drivers declared that they wouldn't be able to attend on the confirmation thread, after everybody received a PM instructing them to do so if they knew that would not attend.

I guess I'm slightly frustrated, because we had put into place a lot of improvements this week from last week, and we didn't have a bad racing product before hand at all. Leagues which have a much lesser racing qualify I've seen have greater attendance numbers, and it's just frustrating to see.

I'd hate to cancel the series, and I won't unless I have to, but there's times where you don't hardly have a choice.

Round #2 has been moved to tomorrow, Sunday, December 11th at 13:25 GMT. We'll have livestream, and we'll have more drivers than what we did today hopefully.

If we don't we're going to run it anyways.
#2 - J@tko
In effect it's basically because people say "ooooh event on <insert day> at <insert time> with <insert car> - that sounds like fun, I'll sign up!" but then forget about it and/or lose interest very quickly. It happens with ALL series to some extent, but I've not seen it quite as bad as it was today, especially as it's only Round 2
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Quote from J@tko :It happens with ALL series to some extent, but I've not seen it quite as bad as it was today, especially as it's only Round 2

Yes, we're aware of this. Not only have we saw it before with the World TBO Championship Series, but we expect it. This was unprecedented.

It forces me to reconsider holding any future LFS events
The community seems decreasing slighlty all the time,as a lot of people just hanging around forum to moan about lack of progress of LFS developement. For a lot of people it's not the case,as they still want to race,but decreasing amount of opponents demotivate to race some of those too. Let's take OWRL as example, at start of this year,I was fighting to get in 1st grid,usually failed,at the end of this year - there was only 1 grid and not even full,as there were so much less drivers...

Speaking about LX Championships - in first round I gave my best,even I was near bottom in rankings,still drove to end,got some fights,improved my PBs,drove total of 30 quite long laps in both races,but after the points standings were released,I found myself with a big fat zero beside my name in the middle of pile of drivers who didn't even bother to attend for the race. That's a huge demotivator,since I'm ranked exactly same as those who did nothing at all at in the series. Of course,since there is points system only for those who are really good,I shouldn't be too surprised about not getting in top charts with my average skill anyway. Today I just was too lazy to race...
Quote from J@tko :In effect it's basically because people say "ooooh event on <insert day> at <insert time> with <insert car> - that sounds like fun, I'll sign up!" but then forget about it and/or lose interest very quickly. It happens with ALL series to some extent, but I've not seen it quite as bad as it was today, especially as it's only Round 2

I've to agree. Such a drop from Round 1 to Round 2 is extrem. Anyways there are a few things helping to keep the sing-up numbers (and the expectations about the turn-out) more realistic - Entry requirements (hotlaps, minimum laps @ combo, etc.).
RaceDepartment uses a system where missed events can lead into a partial/global ban from their series.

10% turnout however is pretty bad I'm sorry for you Corny.
Quote from TFalke55 :10% turnout however is pretty bad

10% turnout in my organized AWS would mean duel between me and some other who dared to show up!
Quote from Eclipsed :Speaking about LX Championships - in first round I gave my best,even I was near bottom in rankings,still drove to end,got some fights,improved my PBs,drove total of 30 quite long laps in both races,but after the points standings were released,I found myself with a big fat zero beside my name in the middle of pile of drivers who didn't even bother to attend for the race. That's a huge demotivator,since I'm ranked exactly same as those who did nothing at all at in the series. Of course,since there is points system only for those who are really good,I shouldn't be too surprised about not getting in top charts with my average skill anyway. Today I just was too lazy to race...

Well, I knew that would turn away drivers. That's why I'm reforming the World TBO Championship Series points standings for next year to include points for the top 28 finishers.

Honestly, anything above 12 I would have been happy with.

Sitting here, waiting for the time to leave and have some fun with friends in the time that I set aside to run this event, I've decided that I'm going to finish this series, (however that turns out) and I'm going to attempt some oval races and get the administrative team in running shape to run a possable rival to the Kyoto 500 in an XRR or FZR, and then I'm going to call it quits until World TBO Championships time rolls back around.

I've lost desire to hold events honestly. I was rather excited to hold this series initially, and I was excited about this 2nd round, but now, I just want it to be over. I've contemplated series cancelation.. I hate to do it, but if I no longer want to hold the series, it's going to suffer poor quality events.
making event takes a lot of work,time.. and for people who try so much of making good event, not showing up ...6/59 drivers ..thats reall disapointmend..
there is a lot of people who drive just for top places, if he dont think he can be near top he just quit or dnot show up..when i sing for some event, if i cant drive near top time, i take weak and 500+ laps, trying to beat my shelf,
and perhaps faster drivers them me..
@all if you sing for event, be there, have fun, if you are not shure you wanna drive it ,dont take yours name on list...

shure i wanna see new lfs stuff ,patches.. tyers.. but ..lfs has everything that it needs fore great long races.. so people just wanna brend new shinny shits and thats whay they complain and drive some other " new sim games".

its easyer to turn to some new shit and drive it then improve your pb,and real race skills..
and what when wv comes out ? i see instantly 100 events with new car..after that ..oh we have try it its nice shiny ...hmm i wanna new car!!..
hmm i think i should just say people are lame, when making new event ,make long pre qual on server, if there you dont see 15+ drivers with more then 50laps gues is first 5 drivers whill shove up.

sry for "great" enaglish !
I was out nearly till dawn last night and frankly I couldn't wake very early... On front page of forum in today's events it says the time when event starts was 13:55GMT and I just made it for this, but event was already cancelled. :\
I perfectly know what you mean as I myself and my team started a new series not too long ago and some interest loss has been shown. but..

Starting your event before 14 UTC is just absolutely hilarious, mostly because its
weekend and especially after (hey,yo,letsgetdrunkon)friday..
Check all things you could change to make the champ more attractive. Perhaps the race dates are not the best ones, or the car/track is hard or boring. Analyze past champs (successful and failed). What really keeps drivers motivated is fun and clean races and winning something each race (at least a few points) that encourages them to come back next round. Eradicate crashers and "kid" drivers, the kind of driver that spectate and leave race in the first lap after a crash.

Anyway don't give up, there are always bad times in everything.

PD: Sorry for my bad English.:dunce:
Having the race on sunday at 15:00 gmt would be nice.

all people should are awake.
Well there's not just one reason, but a lot of them.
  • People have better things to do at 1-4pm in the UK/Europe (like football/sports, going out for christmas shopping, etc.). And who the **** gets up to do a league race at 8am in the USA?
  • 2 cars per round, more setup/practice work
  • People have maybe found other leagues/things they are putting their time into
  • Experiences with the other drivers in the previous round or other events may have put some drivers off
  • as above but with the admin team
I for one wouldn't mind driving the LX4 in a league, but it would have to be at the right time, run by the right people, have drivers who are of decent quality and the format of the races is good.

However if you are putting so much work into it but getting no reward then you need to ask yourself if the work you're actually putting into it is useful - to quote Gordon Ramsey to another American, you don't want to be a "busy idiot".
LFS is dead, maybe that's why...
I don't mind races on Saturday.. during the day. But that is just too early even for my taste.

CSF made a good point, having races every week and to add to that two cars makes it difficult for practice, which might be turn off point for some people out there as these cars are already difficult to drive by themselves.
Quote from N I K I :I don't mind races on Saturday.. during the day. But that is just too early even for my taste.

CSF made a good point, having races every week and to add to that two cars makes it difficult for practice, which might be turn off point for some people out there as these cars are already difficult to drive by themselves.

Quote from Eclipsed ::d

make pool for race event time!.
5p rule here

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

I was so gutted when I could hardly make any of the races in the TBO champ (that would of been MINE!!!) I just had to avoid participating, due to work commitments.

But its hard for everyone to maintain a good populated event. Not just the organisers, the racers also, to make time for LFS can be a very hard thing to do, even if the flesh is willing, life dictates otherwise.

Anyway even there 5p rule applies, but damn it! Most of time i just have 2-3p's worth, in random order, of course.
Quote from boothy : And who the **** gets up to do a league race at 8am in the USA?

i did,for nothing... after working 60 hours a week. it was a really great feeling to see i have to wake up again early..
so thanks feggets
Quote from boothy :Well there's not just one reason, but a lot of them.
  • People have better things to do at 1-4pm in the UK/Europe (like football/sports, going out for christmas shopping, etc.). And who the **** gets up to do a league race at 8am in the USA?
  • 2 cars per round, more setup/practice work
  • People have maybe found other leagues/things they are putting their time into
  • Experiences with the other drivers in the previous round or other events may have put some drivers off
  • as above but with the admin team


+ Epic private message spam on Forums. I've got so many pointless pm's from you recently that I cba to even open them so I didn't even know there should've been event this weekend. If it was just one pm per round containing only necessary information people would probably actually read them. If ppl really have interest in your league they will find the info from forums.

Anyways, I appreciate everyone who spends their free time to organise events and leagues. Just keep going and get some more experience and you will surely get more drivers when the leagues get better.
#23 - CSF
Quote from N I K I :I don't mind races on Saturday.. during the day. But that is just too early even for my taste.

CSF made a good point, having races every week and to add to that two cars makes it difficult for practice, which might be turn off point for some people out there as these cars are already difficult to drive by themselves.

Sorry Scipy, but that's Boothy not me. I am less of a dick.
#24 - troy
ai, you scots all look the same anyway!

Guess there's no need to defend myself, but I'll explain my actions.
  • PM's - Many were sent out due to server issues. This is something which I had never delt with before. Experiance gained.
  • Race Times - This is just about the only time of the day in which I am able to hold a league. We're going to move all events in 2012 to Sundays, and I will attempt to free up some time later in the day. (Why did nobody suggest this in the TBO Suggestion thread by the way?)
  • I expect people to run other leagues, but I expect them to only run ours if they have the time to participate and the will. (includes all who signed up).
  • Realistic NASCAR will under-go some moderate reforms on the out of race side of the operation, and hopefully we will complete the league as scheduled for those who would like to participate. If round lack competitors, or I deem that the league has little enough interest, it is possable that we will cancel the season.
  • All sources and references refered that this league would be fun and attractive. I guess I should know better than to expect good advice from those who associate themselves with a beginning administration team. (Those inside of [RN] did have good advice)
Hope to see those who can make it come out tomorrow at 13:25. We've got alot of in-race adminitration team changes which will greatly improve the quality of the event if we have enough people there to showcase that.