I've found a way to make it work, without having to use the G27LEDsHelper.exe or the runleds.bat files. You only have to execute the runleds.bat file once.
I will run you through how i found it out.
Step 1:
After downloading this the .zip file in the original post, i followed as instructed by the readme provided, not the one in the 3rd post. After doing so, it worked for me 1 time and then i had loads of errors after that.
Readme provided:
Step 2:
Using my initiative, after raging at myself for 2 hours i was playing around with a lot of different settings in the original .cfg file within the LFS folder, but nothing worked.
I came to the runleds.bat file and this is where i spotted something really interesting. Here is a print screen.
Step 3:
I was using something known as common scence (which i excessively lack) and a bit of luck that i made this discovery, i made a change to this small piece of coding. Another print screen of the change i have made.
You see how it said
start G27LEDsHelper.exe 30000 .. i deleted the space between
.exe and
30000, and replaced it with a single colon (
:) for it to turn out like so
start G27LEDsHelper.exe:30000 .
Step 4:
After this, i ran the runleds.bat file. This came up with the black box that should come up, and an error message stating you may not be able to execute this file, this is ok.
You click on the OK button and it should proceed to LFS.
After doing this with myself, i tried it out, and sure the LED's worked on LFS. So i closed the game, and later on, i ran the game through my LFS shortcut on the desktop and i realised what i had done, but couldnt be bothered to go and run the runleds.bat file again. I joined a server and the LED's still worked! I had accidentally come across a shortcut in making this program run without actually executing any files for the 2nd time (or any other time in this case) to intentionally make the LED's run properly. I mentioned to bmxtwins that ive got the LED's working and he wanted them too, so i teamviewed his PC and helped him to get them working, and surely enough, the same thing happened, only a 1 time execution of the modified .bat file, and the LED's worked again and again from running the normal LFS.exe
Compatibility as i know.
Windows 7, Windows XP Pro
Thankyou MadCat for this awesome program you have supplied the community with, and i hope this would solve some problems for people, and make the lazy peoples day, more lazy!