Kim Jong Il: Dead
(86 posts, started )
Quote from flymike91 :For decades the US has given high protein food shipments to North Korea for not even the price of letting us be there to distribute it, I think we've been pretty accommodating to them considering their transgressions.

Maybe you should learn even the tiniest bit of history about the koreans before you ram such pitchfork of wrongness through your keyboard?

Try to look for historical reasons why N Korea might want nuclear weapons...
Mike, what does the National Defense Authorization Act 2012 give the govt the right to do, or are you as asleep as the rest of the US people.

Do learn about your own laws, or is X Factor on?

Any US citizen may be killed, tortured, without trial or evidence. You can be detained indefinitely without trial or evidence. You can be detained by the military in the US or overseas, or by a company indefinitely without trial or evidence.

The founding fathers were terrorists etc ( that's standard FEMA training )
And check the rest of the potential terrorists, more than 7 days food, wear jeans, support Ron Paul, text on your phone, I really wish I was joking but I'm not, check the facts, I'll post links to govt info to support this if you like.

Please wake up !!!!!!!!

Or is X Factor on, as that got far higher viewing figures than the debate on this act.

Either that or your all so brainwashed by the crap you see on tv and in the media that you don't believe me.

Please do some research, everything I'm saying is fact and is now law in the US, your constitution is history.

Have fun ...........

Oh, and please try not to start WW part 3 by attacking Iran, firstly because they haven't done anything to the US, and secondly because the Russians will retaliate.
And I would like the world not to be destroyed by total retards until after the new physics are out please.
Of all the things FlyMike is, I think we can be assured that 'An X-Factor fan' is not one of them.
Oh shut up Racer X every thread you come into turns into shit. Convoluted totally.
Quote from Racer X NZ :.......

Every time i see your name in a thread it turns into shit, although i have never even read one single post you made. All full of rubbish haha.
I've tried typing 5 paragraphs to say how racer here was being unfair to mike just 'cause the American flag, But in short, 2 Words say it so well. :c Shut up. :/
Your stunningly erudite responses explains how this bill was passed

Denile is not a river in Egypt.

Amazing how all these people in the US don't even know what laws are passed in their own country.

Or even who their at war with.
Quote from Racer X NZ :Your stunningly erudite responses explains how this bill was passed

Denile is not a river in Egypt.

Amazing how all these people in the US don't even know what laws are passed in their own country.

Or even who their at war with.

Ba dum tssss

Tbh all of your nonsense just sound like really bad jokes.
Quote from Racer X NZ :Amazing how all these people in the US don't even know what laws are passed in their own country.

Or even who their at war with.

It's easy to judge something from the outside, why don't you come live here for a few years? Seriously, just to get a clue.
Quote from flymike91 :United States citizens have less rights than anyone else on the planet, hmm?. I know you're trying to get me worked up but since I'm talking about a hypothetical war I'm not exactly emotionally invested here. I'm going to ignore you and see if anyone else wants share their thoughts about how European and Scandinavian countries would act if the US couldn't take any action against nations like Iran and North Korea if there was a 100% chance that they were going to nuke Israel and South Korea, respectively, and diplomacy had already failed. Is it right to intervene or let human nature run it's course?

The US has 8,500 active nuclear warheads at their disposal, North Korea has as many as 10. Iran doesn't have any confirmed nuclear warheads, Isreal might have up to 200.

As for how it would turn out if the USA didn't take responsibility for 'dismantling governments that pose as a global threar', well, have you ever heard of World War 2? Or do you believe that Gen. Eisenhower did all the dirty work for the USSR and the Allies?
Load of rubbish ?

"Government Says It Can Assassinate or Indefinitely Detain Americans on American Soil Without Any Due Process of Law I’ve previously noted that Obama says that he can assassinate American citizens living on U.S. soil.

This admittedly sounds over-the-top. But one of the nation’s top constitutional and military law experts – Jonathan Turley – agrees." ... n_His_Own_Discretion.html

"Students may be reluctant to consider the “Sons of Liberty” and other patriotic groups to be terrorists, although their violence was intended to frighten or terrorize enemies." ... docs%5Ctem%5CSession2.doc

And, Fox News found that a DHS fusion center, a satellite office used by the department to gather local intelligence on possible terrorist threats, was citing support for third-party candidates like Ron Paul or Bob Barr as a possible criteria for identifying “militia members.” ... calling-an-extremist.html

http://grantlawrence.blogspot. ... t-fbi-says-activists.html

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA) bill contains some controversial language that codifies the detention of anyone, including U.S. citizens, who is suspected of being a terrorist or supporting terrorists. ... dered-terrorist.htm?cid=5
Everything written on the internet is true, but I don't have to tell you that.
Yeah, and everything said by one of the US's most respected constitutional and military law experts is a lie.
  • Is the second most cited law professor in the country
  • Has worked as both the CBS and NBC legal analyst during national controversies
  • Ranks 38th in the top 100 most cited 'public intellectuals' in a recent study by a well-known judge
  • Is one of the top 10 lawyers handling military cases
  • Has served as a consultant on homeland security and constitutional issues
  • Is a frequent witness before the House and Senate on constitutional and statutory issues
OK, just try checking the facts. I really admire the US constitution, it would be good if those of you in the US would actually get off your arses to defend it as it's just been taken away from you.

Mind you, given the feedback from some people, here's a job for you.

Every soldier that enlists in the Army chooses a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Designated by a number and a letter, the 31E MOS now includes advanced responsibilities including command and control of prisoner of war and civilian internee camps.

While the civilian designation likely applies to foreign nationals in their home countries, it reads more ominously now that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is getting nods from legislators as it makes its way through the Senate.

Read more: http://articles.businessinside ... y-operation#ixzz1hOkL8Y8M

And here's FEMA requesting contractors to provide camps.

The contractor shall construct and operate a Responder Support Camp (RSC) in which to stage responders and other authorized personnel and assets deployed for occurrences or events requiring a federal government response. The National Responder Support Camps contract will be used by FEMA, or by other federal agencies through FEMA, consistent with the specific authorities of the agency utilizing the contract's services. ... amp;tab=core&_cview=1 ... -moves-to-man-fema-camps/

Mind you, there seems to be a large number already.

Remember, when it finally comes to the war crimes trial, " I was only following orders " is not acceptable as an excuse.
And what does all that have to do with NORTH KOREA?

Seriously, GET_THE_****_OUT with your 3rd world conspiracies. You're annoying and nobody likes you because you only talk about conspiracies, and when you dont, you say that someone else's land is shit.

Please, go hide in your cavern and maybe fornicate with kangoroo jack.

An LFSForum user.
Yet another educated reply

The point was that the US has fewer rights than North Koreans, but expecting people to read....................
when you say things like that people can see the shit you're stuffed with through your thin layer of skin.
#68 - 5haz
Shame Racer, people could approach you more positively if you didn't feel the need to insult their intelligence every other line.

Why not cut out all this "get back to your X factor, sheep" business? Then maybe people might want to talk about what you have to say. I think other forumers are more challenged by your attitude towards them than they are by your opinions.

Makes me wonder if you're only here to assert a notion of superiority over the rest of us as a means to comfort yourself.
I don't get the rage that people throw at him. If it is the insults than I guess that's it. Insults are normally just a sign of weakness, which is mainly why the immature (or weak minded) do it the most. I find Racer's posts really funny actually, mainly because he cares about a country that I live in more than I do. Living here and experiencing a normal day would probably tell why, however Racer would never live that day so his posts mean nearly nothing to me.

Maybe we should just get back to the topic, instead of turning this into more of a mess.
Thank you, I'd actually love to live in a country with a constitution like the US's, it's taken years in NZ to get close.
Sadly, people living there don't realize how fortunate they are, and how rare such rights are.
The abuse is just a joke, when someone can disagree with facts then I'll have a conversation, till then ............
The sad part about the thread is that North Korea feels so threatened by the US that they behave the way they do.
If the US could behave as a country the way that 99 percent of the people actually feel who live there then the world would be a far better place.
All that stops this happening is apathy and ignorance.
Wake up and make the change.
yes North Korea is so threatened by the US they vivisect entire families in concentration camps.

Read this and tell me people in the US have fewer rights than in North Korea.
Once again though you don't know how life is here. You don't get that the news doesn't talk about SOPA, but instead like to talk about other garbage news, like how some women decided to kill her whole family, someone shot a cop, someone threw their new born baby out of the window, or in the dumpster. I'm exaggerating right? Never happens? Live here and watch the news. The Fox, MSNBC, CNN are just a load of bullsh*t that it's pointless to watch. You have to wait 55 minutes to get 5 minutes of somewhat decent listening material. You have people like Bill O'Reilly who gets paid 90 million dollars a year (by Republicans) to host a nightly news show that lasts one hour. He makes over 250,000$ a night. Everything is a commerical/marketting joke, and we can't have a show, movie, sporting event, and news without having a truckload of commericials to go along with it.

The people that live here are so tied to Facebook, Justin Beiber's dick, some TV show, or all 3 combined. They all act like pompus dicks and think that's how to survive. Schools are just as bad, and teach you jack sh*t on top of it. You think everyone wants that though? Do you honestly think all of US are just blind and stupid and don't know how f**king idiotic our country really is?

A small minority can ruin it for a large group, our minority just so happens to be our government system, the people that run it, and the people that believe in it.
Mike, my point is that the US seems to be going the same way, yes North Korea is a hell hole. Is this the way you want the US to go ?

If you guys could take a real interest in what is happening and actually take back your country from the scum that control it then imagine what could happen.

Check a certain T Jeffersons comments about having to fight for democracy, just watching your media and eating doughnuts will only make you fat and ignorant.

You have a fantastic country, don't destroy it though apathy.
I threw away the doughnuts and I'm off my couch, what do I do now? After all, convincing me is only convincing 1 out of over 300 million, but no worries it must be simple like you say.
Quote from PMD9409 :I threw away the doughnuts and I'm off my couch, what do I do now? After all, convincing me is only convincing 1 out of over 300 million, but no worries it must be simple like you say.

Dude, how about you shut the hell up? School's don't teach anything? You know what, you aren't going to get any good job by just going to school anymore, try going to college.

And sorry to be the one to tell you, the US isn't the only place where marketing is everything on TV. That's a world wide phenomenon. Commercials and people being paid a lot to be on TV is not a US only occurrence.

Also, sorry to hear that everyone you know are pompous dicks, but that's your own problem. Simply going to Facebook, liking pop culture and watching TV isn't going to destroy a nation (at all). What would you rather have? People not watching anything interesting and not connecting socially to each other? Cause if that's the case, go and sneak your way into North Korea.

Kim Jong Il: Dead
(86 posts, started )