Once upon a time, a long long time a go, there lived a man called Jesus Christ. And he preached... he preached a lot... he preached that there would come a time when, once a year, on his birthday, every kid would get a car or an iPhone from their parents as a token to celebrate his life... and he even died for that cause, in a most horrible way.
However... in early 21st century, many parents started denying their kids their promised gifts, thus causing excruciating pain to many, many of them all over the world. Their suffering was huge, their cries could be heard in the night and in the day from all parts of the world... even trees were sad for that.
Their parents didn't buy them cars and iPhones - they committed mortal sin!! But don't despair little children, as Jesus is righteous... his vengeance will fall upon them eventually and they will go to hell to suffer for their sins eternally... and justice would be done!