I very much like this thread!
When I studied painting at the university some 15 years ago, I learned of a painting style called "hyperrealism".
Other then (foto-)realistic painting EVERY part of a picture would be completely realistic. Meaning: Objects in the foreground AND objects in the background would be painted as absolutely detailed as possible.
In (foto-)realistic painting only objects in the foreground are painted in exact detail, whereas things in the background are blurry, because the imagined "lense" can only focus on either fore- or background.
What am I saying here? --> the accurate simulation/narration of the "entire"
physics of 4 wheels might integrate a lot of thought, aspect and parameter, it will not, however, involve every Atom, Quantum, or matter of chance!
In the "pixelation" of all aspects of a simulation soon the whole thing becomes a question of computing power and speed, and when I think of LFS I must say, that one of it´s greatest qualities is that it runs on modest cpu&graphic power.
Inventing tyrephysics that are top-accurate for (let´s say) professional racing simulation in the real industry AND at the same time demanding everage computing power seems quiet contradictory.
What is the goal for future LFS - developments?
I like good pictures, I dont need hyperrealism, and it, as arthistory shows, has rather less, than more joyfull aspects.
FINAL QEUSTION: What are the minimum LFS S3 System Requirements? Maybe I should start saving money now!