The online racing simulator
Baltic Cup 2012: Round 7 (Info & Discussion)
Date: 05.01.2012.
Time: 21:00 (UTC +2)
Car(s): FBM
Track: FE2 (Fern Bay Green)
Laps: 42
Server name: Baltic Cup 2012 (hosted by J.Marcinkevicius)
Server password: bc12
Pitstop: 1 Mandatory (free work)

Everyone should get in the server 10 minutes before 21:00, so we could set up the grid and start on time.
Good luck and let's have fun! Remember, password will be changed seconds before the race start, so don't be late.

[B]Qualifying dates for round 6:[/B]

[B]Date:[/B] 03.01.2012.
[B]Time:[/B] 22:00 - 23:00
[B]Server:[/B] LFS Estonia
[B]Password:[/B] est

[B]Date:[/B] 03.01.2012.
[B]Time:[/B] 21:30-22:30
[B]Server:[/B] Tiger Express Motorsports
[B]Password:[/B] bclv

[B]Date:[/B] 03.01.2012
[B]Time:[/B] 21:30-22:30
[B]Server:[/B] Baltic Cup 2012
[B]Password:[/B] bclt

All times are in UTC +2
Other country representatives should inform me about their qualification dates at least 2 days before their qualification.

Feel free to discuss or ask questions.
Added Lithuanian qualification info.
Added Estonian qualification time.
#4 - ZnoCz
i'm on reserve list

LV - M. Znotins
Layout to be used for this round. Note: If it's not used, there will be penalty for all that nations drivers.
Attached files
FE2_BCR7.lyt - 124 B - 222 views
Due to internet problems, Domas Raižys asked me over mobile to add him to reserve list,so:

LT - D.Raižys
put on reserve LV - R.Kampars
D.Tšubenko added to reserve list.
Could you add me to reserve list as well LT - M. Brazinskas
Official race server Baltic Cup 2012 is on