The online racing simulator
Flame's Layouts thread
(44 posts, started )
Flame's Layouts thread
Here I have some layouts.

APR Race of Champions


Ramp Ovals

I have two little ovals made from ramps.

Unfortunately, there isn't a wall which is higher than the ramp height, so there are not outside walls, therefore you have to be careful to not drive out of bounds But it's quite fun. (Ramp oval 3 has got ramps all around the outside, so you can get back on track)

You also have to jump into the oval at the start, because if I placed the banked straight where the grid is, you would start in or under the ramp and would damage your suspension.

Ramp Oval 1


Ramp Oval 2


Ramp Oval 3


Ramp Oval 4

Attached images
Attached files
AU1_ramp_oval.lyt - 3.2 KB - 792 views
AU1_ramp_oval_2.lyt - 5.3 KB - 884 views
AU1_ramp_oval_3.lyt - 5.9 KB - 734 views
BL3_APR_ROC.lyt - 3.9 KB - 434 views
#2 - Puhba
That would lag really bad and everyone would crash into eachother, not to mention the ramps would glitch the cars.
LAG? wtf...
Layout is really cool, tested it and everything seems fine
Keep it up
#4 - Puhba
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :LAG? wtf...
Layout is really cool, tested it and everything seems fine
Keep it up

Im talking multiplayer
Really nice one,but too bad about the missing outside,that kills the real oval feeling. That and the extremely white surrounding...

Anyone dares to organize some event in this?
finally finished yay!
Okay so it feels like a Dover (NASCAR track, look it up if you wish). I don't know if you are able to code this or not, but can you tilt the ramps? Basically making the ramps "flat" to be used on the outside of straights, or if you can "raise" walls. But I'm guessing you are not able to do that much like others have been able to do it before?
Quote from PMD9409 :Okay so it feels like a Dover (NASCAR track, look it up if you wish). I don't know if you are able to code this or not, but can you tilt the ramps? Basically making the ramps "flat" to be used on the outside of straights, or if you can "raise" walls. But I'm guessing you are not able to do that much like others have been able to do it before?

not a bad idea. but walls would be cool to.
Quote from PMD9409 :Okay so it feels like a Dover (NASCAR track, look it up if you wish). I don't know if you are able to code this or not, but can you tilt the ramps? Basically making the ramps "flat" to be used on the outside of straights, or if you can "raise" walls. But I'm guessing you are not able to do that much like others have been able to do it before?

No, nothing is possible except rotation. Even the height cannot be adjustable, I don't know why. No matter what number I put there, it's still on the ground.
Ouch, surely there's some way since people have done it before.
Quote from PMD9409 :Ouch, surely there's some way since people have done it before.

I think it could be possible, I recall the fortitude guys(don't really remember their names) and their layouts having angled ramps but I am not really sure.
I'm not sure but it seems like it does not work in 0.6B only, because I can remember that it worked in previous patches.
Quote from Flame CZE :I'm not sure but it seems like it does not work in 0.6B only, because I can remember that it worked in previous patches.

Yep and nice lyt.
Fun layout I'm curious though, which value did you use for the ramp2 width?

Quote :Unfortunately, there isn't a wall which is higher than the ramp height, so there are not outside walls

Have you considered moving the ramps closer to the outsides? The "invisible wall" would close the gap making racing less risky.

Quote :Even the height cannot be adjustable, I don't know why.

The altitude of objects is defined by Z and can be adjusted:

(copied from the LYT.txt file)

Quote :NOTE3 :
About Zchar, the approximate altitude :

LFS does contact checks to place objects accurately on the ground.

For output purposes : Zchar indicates the approximate altitude with
a value from -80 (-20 metres) to 127 (31.75 metres).

For input purposes : The ground check is performed with a test ray
starting from 2 metres above Zchar. Using a value lower than 127
allows objects to be placed on the road below a bridge, for example.
If you are creating objects from scratch and you are not sure of the
approximate altitude, you can set Zchar to its maximum value (127).
This will usually work unless there is a physical surface above the
road where you are trying to place the object.

You can have a considerable amount of fun playing with the altitude of objects out of bounds. Hereby attached is a small layout I made to show you some variations in altitude.
Attached files
AU1X_hills.lyt - 1.5 KB - 413 views
Quote from sicotange :Fun layout I'm curious though, which value did you use for the ramp2 width?

There is no width value for that, it's just ramp2.

Quote from sicotange :Have you considered moving the ramps closer to the outsides? The "invisible wall" would close the gap making racing less risky.

What do you mean by that?

Quote from sicotange :
The altitude of objects is defined by Z and can be adjusted:

(copied from the LYT.txt file)

You can have a considerable amount of fun playing with the altitude of objects out of bounds. Hereby attached is a small layout I made to show you some variations in altitude.

Yes, I've read that but I think I always make a mistake somewhere. I don't probably choose the right format/type of the Zchar. But seeing it works, I will try to make it, it would look nice to have two rows of ramps.
A screenshot shall speak a thousand words:
Attached images
I could possibly do that.

By the way, do you know who made those layouts with floating objects? I still can't manage to build them, so I'd like to ask the authors.
If you mean those "roads" up in the air, I made those but it's still work in progress. I might share the plugin when it's debugged and easy to use. You can try it out on my private server if you wish to. I'm still hesitating to share it publicly though.
Quote from Flame CZE :I could possibly do that.

By the way, do you know who made those layouts with floating objects? I still can't manage to build them, so I'd like to ask the authors.

if you build your layout on another track and change the extension it has the possibility of floating. So:

Make it on like aston and then change it to AU1x_ or something. I dont know if it still works
This may sound like a stupid question but, I have no experience with PHP and I would love to be able to place ramps inside one another to create some layouts. Question therefore being, how do you do this and what program is required to make it work?
awsome oval!!!
Quote :This may sound like a stupid question but, I have no experience with PHP and I would love to be able to place ramps inside one another to create some layouts. Question therefore being, how do you do this and what program is required to make it work?

With the following tool you can place any Autocross Object inside one another:

Nice work Flame!!!

Flame's Layouts thread
(44 posts, started )