A small radar system
(11 posts, started )
A small radar system
I would like to see some sort of radar system that shows other cars relative position on the track (along with the track boundary) within a couple of car lengths of your car. I think it would make sim racing a bit cleaner as you could then easily glance at the radar map when approching a corner/bend to see if anyone is sneaking up on your inside or outside, and adjust your line appropriately. At the moment we have mirrors to check and can turn left or right but it is nowhere near as good as using peripheral vision when driving a real car, so I think it would be a very worthwhile addition.
I think it would take a lot of the skill (and hence satisfaction) out of LFS, as well as massively reducing it's realism). Knowing where people are around you is a very important part of racing, and having a noob-aid-radar to help will just turn LFS into a bit of an arcade driver.

-100000000 from me.
#3 - joen
People should just use common sense and know racing rules/etiquette. There are mirrors on the car, if only some people would just actually use them.
There's a track map already and people often clearly don't use that, for example when exiting the pits and/or reentering the track after a spin/crash.
Real racing cars don't have a radar map (granted, no mini map either), so neither should the cars in LFS.
Quote from tristancliffe :I think it would take a lot of the skill (and hence satisfaction) out of LFS, as well as massively reducing it's realism). Knowing where people are around you is a very important part of racing, and having a noob-aid-radar to help will just turn LFS into a bit of an arcade driver.

-100000000 from me.

i agree
-99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 from me
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#5 - ajp71
The map is too arcade for me...
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's easy to tell where the other cars are - they're infront of me.

Stop belittling yourself Kev - you are quick, and there is no doubt about it. Maybe not quite as quick as me (), but quick nonetheless. Sure there are faster people than both of us, but I'd be willing to bet that there are more slower than faster. Chin up, and right pedal down.
Quote from tristancliffe :Stop belittling yourself Kev - you are quick, and there is no doubt about it. Maybe not quite as quick as me (), but quick nonetheless. Sure there are faster people than both of us, but I'd be willing to bet that there are more slower than faster. Chin up, and right pedal down.

I think it's a ruse to try and makes all feel sorry for him, by going slower. Maybe it's just age playing it's part. Moaning old codgers these days

Kev you are quick, so shut up
All valid points about making the game less realistic but while were at it we should get rid of the map, not allow any view except cockpit, not allow race restarts, get rid of the virtual mirror, get rid of the virtual dials , disable auto gears (and not allow anyone to play unless they have a manual clutch) and to top it off , not let the game start up unless the room tempreture is at least 45 degrees celcius and they have a brick straped to their heads (to simulate a racing suit and helmet)

But seriously, it was just a suggestion that I would like but anyone could choose to turn off.

#9 - dadge
assign look left and right button m8. also have a good stereo sound card. that way you can hear cars around you. and you should really be using your mirror (so that nobody sneaks up behind you ) i remember playing need for speed porsche challenge and that had a radar system, it wasn't really as handy as you would think. it was more of a distraction because you constantly take your eyes of the "real" road to look at the "radar" road. i think that the map tht we have is perfect (or close to it), but thats my opinion.
#10 - joen
Quote from Generic Racer :All valid points about making the game less realistic but while were at it we should get rid of the map, not allow any view except cockpit, not allow race restarts, get rid of the virtual mirror, get rid of the virtual dials , disable auto gears (and not allow anyone to play unless they have a manual clutch) and to top it off , not let the game start up unless the room tempreture is at least 45 degrees celcius and they have a brick straped to their heads (to simulate a racing suit and helmet)

I agree with most of them actually Even the one about the brick
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's easy to tell where the other cars are - they're infront of me.

No look in your mirrors I'm the one resting upside down on the tire wall

A small radar system
(11 posts, started )