A salute to Tesla
(46 posts, started )
A salute to Tesla
As this is the aniversary of Nikola Tesla's death I thought it might be interesting to review some of his outstanding achievements, AC current as an example, and also to provide some information showing how his 'looney theories' are now gaining traction with leading edge theory. ( Please note, I said theory as none of this is proven scientific fact yet. )

http://www.pakalertpress.com/2 ... a-that-changed-the-world/

What is especially interesting is the concept of 'free energy' as the man said

‘Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy.Nikola Tesla, 1892'

For anyone who has an interest in astrology you may have heard of the 'Electric Universe' theory which postulates that the Sun, and all stars are plasma reactions,http://www.thunderbolts.info/w ... view-of-plasma-cosmology/ and the universe is in fact electrical. http://www.thunderbolts.info/w ... guide-to-eu-introduction/

Interesting reading, thanks for the links.
those articles are so full of inaccuracies missintepretations and general stupidity its not even funny
Hi m8

Yes, some of the first article, while correct in general, is wrong on a couple of points. See the comments underneath.

Apart from that, how, exactly do you disagree with the 'theory'.
The point of a theory is that it is open to informed discussion, it's crap doesn't count as informed !

Plate tectonics was 'crap' until it was proven correct. The world was flat until this theory was proven wrong. The sun rotated round the earth till this theory was proven wrong.

The whole point of a theory is that it's open for discussion and scientific evidence, I suggest that you take a look at NASA's findings regarding electric currents in the outlying parts of the solar system.

I agree that this theory suggests that everything that is an 'accepted fact' may be wrong, but the fun about a theory is producing evidence and seeing if the theory conforms to the evidence.

The current theory has a number of severe problems, why not look at other possibilities ?
the fact that you dont even understand what the word theory means in a scientific context and completely confuse it with what in this case is little more than a conjecture (if that) makes any discussion with you coupletely futile and pointless (along with your complete inability to get to grips with you not being the smartest and most well informed person on this forum)
A proposal that is presented in scientific forums for peer review.

I'm just suggesting an idea, thanks for suggesting that I'm making claims that I really don't recall making.

Or this the concept of opening your mind to new information really that frightening for you that your only response is personal abuse of the person giving you new possibilities.

I've never claimed this is a fact, only a possibility.

But expecting an educated, scientific response from some people, clearly pointless ................
Quote from Racer X NZ :A proposal that is presented in scientific forums for peer review.

exactly... not

Quote :But expecting an educated, scientific response from some people, clearly pointless ................

im an electric engineer working in a well known scientific institute
what are your scientific credentials?
Haha, 1:0 :-)

I haven't read the article and most probably won't. The "theories" about free energy are not scientific, they seem to be more of a religious or esotherical belief without any signs of proof. While Tesla has been the single person who helped get the world a bit further into modern times he also was a visionnaire whos ideas and freaky illusions are taken too serious today by a bunch of people who must have had bad bad marks in maths and physics.


der "scientifically proven" butz

PS: here, have some monitor-cleaner app! It really really works, proven fact!

Translated some lines out of the source code of the site:
Ja, hier findet Ihr nur einen Timer. Die Reinigerfunktion ist energetisch, also diese besteht im immateriellen Bereich. Für alle "Kopf-Menschen" sicherlich schwer begreifbar. Ging mir auch nicht anderes. Ich beschäftige mich jetzt schon über zehn Jahre mit dem Computer und hauptsächlich mit logischem Denken. Auch ich war am Anfang sehr nachdenklich über die Energieprodukte und deren Funktion. Aber die zahlreichen Erfahrungen, die daraufhin folgten, haben mich überzeugt, dass es mehr gibt als wir mit dem Verstand begreifen kann.

Yes, what you find here is only a countdown timer. The cleaning function is energetical and only exists in an immaterial area.
This might be hardly imaginable for all the eggheads. As it was for me. I'm working with computers for 10 years now,
and mainly with logic thinking.
I too wondered in the beginning about energical products and their function. But experience has told me
that there is more than the eye can see
Then I assume you understand the properties of plasma, I then suggest you apply your knowledge to the suns properties.

And try doing some research, As this is your field then there are are large number of peer reviewed studies suggesting that this theory may be possible.

I'll post links tomorrow if your unable to find these.

And for those who are happy with the fact the earth is flat, and carried on the back of four elephants who in turn are carried on a giant turtle .............

Try actually keeping up with science, knowledge does in fact change and we do grow in knowledge, well, most of us anyway.

Free energy may simply be utilizing our environment and be impossible to meter and charge for, precisely the same charge that JP Morgan made to Tesla !
Quote from Racer X NZ :Then I assume you understand the properties of plasma, I then suggest you apply your knowledge to the suns properties.

heated gas. Held together by its gravity, being blown up by the emitted radiation (don't know how to say it in english).

Quote from Racer X NZ :And try doing some research, As this is your field then there are are large number of peer reviewed studies suggesting that this theory may be possible.

The existence of green lemonade with stable red dots of coffee is possible. As long as nobody proves anything it's a theory, as long as nobody can even get close using physical laws it's a mind doodle.

Quote from Racer X NZ :
I'll post links tomorrow if your unable to find these.

please do.

Quote from Racer X NZ :Try actually keeping up with science, knowledge does in fact change and we do grow in knowledge, well, most of us anyway.

THe big problem of the globalosed media and the internet nowadays is not that information can get round the earth in a second, but lies as well! At the moment there is no knowledge behind free energy. Period.

Quote from Racer X NZ :Free energy may simply be utilizing our environment and be impossible to meter and charge for, precisely the same charge that JP Morgan made to Tesla !

If it's impossible to meter then it's of no use for us, hence uninteresting.


der butz

Edit: here, have a ball made of beech wood. For €425,- . I'd love to sell those things to people but can't believe someone is really dumb enough to buy this.
Quote from Racer X NZ :Free energy may simply be utilizing our environment and be impossible to meter and charge for, precisely the same charge that JP Morgan made to Tesla !

ah so this is another one of your loony conspiracy theories with the big bad evil power companies as the conspirators isnt it?
a lot of the third article was very.....dubious...........I nearly had a hope that this was a half decent post from Racer X. Oh well here's to Tesla
Why do people disrespect and argue? Shouldn't you be praising him or something?
Racer X NZ just has way to much free time on his hands.
Quote from Dennis93 :Why do people disrespect and argue? Shouldn't you be praising him or something?

What, and miss an opportunity to have a bitch ?

For those of you who are capable of reading here are a small number of scientific papers supporting the concept.
My apologies to those who are happy living on a flat earth, my advice to you is:
a: Try reading a different thread.
b: Try not to fall off the edge.

Peratt, A. L., "Electric space: evolution of the plasma universe", Astrophysics & Space Science, 244, 89-103 (1996)

Peratt, Anthony L., "The evidence for electrical currents in cosmic plasma", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. 18, Feb. 1990, p. 26-32 full text

By the way, the author is associated with Los Alamos, US Dept of Energy.

Santos, J. C.; Büchner, J., "MHD simulation of electric cur ... hotospheric plasma motion", Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2007, pp.29-33, 12/2007

Feldman, U., "Electric Currents as the Main ... d in Many Late-Type Stars" (abs), Physica Scripta, Volume 65, Issue 2, pp. 185-192. 00/2002

And there are many more, this is a theory remember, but if it is correct then it supports Tesla's theories as well as offering some very interesting possibilities for our future energy supply.
I think my interest faded pretty quickly when the word astrology came up.. Which is sad because I think the man deserves something better than this kind of thread filled with nonsense.
Not brought up by me, I fully agree that it's his science that should be respected.
Isn't it more of a theorum?
I'll accept it's a concept or whatever !
As an idea I feel it's worth a look and people's consideration, if people really want to be anal about the theory then fine, but whatever people want to call it is irrelevant.
Tesla suggested this 80 years ago, if we actually look at the idea and consider the possibilities then imagine what could be.
Sorry, my bad, if you can't make lots of money from it then it must be crap !!!
( JP Morgan )

Anyone interested in cold fusion and the lies that were put around to 'prove' that these theories were false ?
Let's start with the people who were asked to prove if the experiments that said it happened actually did shall we...............
Google is your friend here.
No, google is NOT your friend! Google just spits out more conspiracy stuff, written mostly by morons desperate for attention but unable to calculate anything!

IF there would be a way to produce [type in wonder of the 21st century here] believe me it yould spread like bushfire everywhere and be produced by people like that virgin guy immediately. Not to make money, but for the fun of doing it first.
The only reason all of that bullcrap is still hidden away and always seems like being kind of a stupid dream is because it is.

Suggestion to all the believers in such things as free energy: Start doing science and for once prove the existence of whatever you want to exist. Scientists will try and falsify what you've found out. If they can't you're proven right.
As it seems, up to now those scientists, living on a slightly potato-shaped planet orbiting around its sun, still laugh at your ideas and prove them wrong within minutes.


der love-to-know-hate-to-believe butz
I'm pretty sure nobody has ever really thought the earth was flat either.
Quote from Racer X NZ :
Anyone interested in cold fusion and the lies that were put around to 'prove' that these theories were false ?

Wait a minute... you actually believe that cold fusion works? I'm sorry, but HOW are we supposed to take anything you say seriously if you believe crap like that?
Quote from der butz :
Edit: here, have a ball made of beech wood. For €425,- . I'd love to sell those things to people but can't believe someone is really dumb enough to buy this.

Looks just like the poo they polished on Myth Busters.
Shades of the bumblebee here ! Scientists spent years telling it it couldn't fly, fortunatly it didn't listen and carried on flying until science caught up.

The E Cat is due to be on sale in the US autumn and Rossi is in talks to manufacture it in Massachusetts. http://www.bostonglobe.com/bus ... Zx432chxuD5BEL/story.html

And when you actually look at the falsified results in 89 by MIT to 'prove' that Pons and Fleischmann findings were false, look at how much money there is supporting 'safe' nuclear plants it's quite understandable that cheap, safe power is attacked at every stage.

"The article titled, "MIT and Cold Fusion: A Special Report" also looks at how the replication performed by the institution's Plasma Fusion Center actually did produce positive results, how data from the experiment was altered by unknown individuals at least twice, and how the hot fusion scientists in charge of such tests were far too biased to conduct proper research.

To start with, those in charge of the replication attempt were members of the MIT Plasma Fusion Center. Their work with hot fusion Tokamak brought the university many millions of dollars in funding from the government, and maintained their job security. If cold fusion were to be accepted as a real phenomenon, it could have made hot fusion research appear to be near worthless. "
http://pesn.com/2011/12/27/960 ... ppression_of_Cold_Fusion/

Starts to look a bit like 'Global Warming', scientists falsifying data to keep their funding.
Now that's an interesting load of BS. Cold fusion was first "proved" in 1989 and it looked pretty amazing. Actually so amazing that suddenly everybody around the world tried to replicate Fleischmann's and Pons' experiment. But nobody could. One of my professors was a nuclear chemist at Charles University when this "discovery" was made and he tried to replicate the experiment himself - and as everybody else - failed. He spent a whole lecture explaining us why it just won't work this way and even if it somehow did, it would mean that our current understanding of basic physics misses something pretty serious.

The fact about cold fusion putting hot fusion scientists out of business really made me chuckle. Did nuclear reactors put thermal powerplants out of business? Did hot fusion make fission reactors and the respective fields of science obsolete? Have we stopped developing internal combustion engines when we have high capacity batteries now? If the cold fusion really is such a win, why is it not being used in countries like China where the government controls all the funding?

Even though scientists have to fight for the money to fund their work, I don't believe that someone could be so dumb to think that compromising one successful experiment would stop the research in that area altogether. A scientific discovery is an iterative process, every experiment or theory is built on top of other discoveries, this is not 9/11 where the US gov could have hidden all evidence. If something really works, it will be reproduced eventually, it is not a question of "if" but "when". Every scientist knows that so such an attempt would be ultimately pathetic.

A salute to Tesla
(46 posts, started )