Yeah I played HC tonight just because I said I would. Did better than expected but seems more one sided when playing on it. Once a team takes majority of the flags they can hold them because it is easier to hold things when you can kill as soon as you see them (at least on Oman).
Not saying I didn't have fun, because I did, just that it isn't always my cup of tea on BF3 because they got the normal version pretty spot on. It doesn't take that many bullets to kill people.
I had a good laugh tonight when an enemy LAV rolled up into F at Oman. I crouched and was just sitting beside of it so when it looked around it couldn't see me. I was assault instead of my usual engineer or I would have tried to blow it up. The best part is that while I was crouched the driver and his passenger got out to try and repair the vehicle. When they did I turned around and watched them for about 2 seconds before killing them.

I then proceeded to jump into the LAV and take out about 4 enemies that had no idea an enemy was now in their LAV. Once they caught on I was shot once with a rocket and I was able to jump out and kill two more. I finally died when trying to run and get cover (the only time I cared about myself living I die lol).
However I will say that when I played other games like CoD on console I always played on HC servers. For the console it seems about right because aiming etc isn't always as fast. When it comes to PC though you can kill in BF3 just as fast as you could kill in CSS, reactions are just better with a mouse, so I am never too concerned on playing HC on PC.