The online racing simulator
Do i suck?
(20 posts, started )
#1 - Puhba
Do i suck?
Just wanted to know, heres my hotlap
Attached files
XRG Hotlap.spr - 64.9 KB - 353 views
Just upload it to LFSW
#3 - Worm
yes, you suck.
#5 - Puhba
Il figure out how to do that some day
A winner is you.
You can't upload it into LFSW anyway, it's one lap race, not hotlap.

So choose hotlapping from main menu to upload your lap into the S2 Hotlaps @ LFSW.
Nobody sucks, they lack experience only. I have not watched the replay, and I am not going to, because I belive everyone can be a fair and good driver with the right amount of training. Some people take it naturally, while other have to practise more (beeing fast and safe).

Take your time on the track, and don't lose the faith only because some random alien was faster than you - there will allways be faster drivers, but that does not mean your not a good driver.

As your boyfriend.
I like the setup. I think.

I have no clue.
I don't know, I was thinking about rFactor 2 the whole time I was watching it.
No way! Your a tool which subsribes what it means to suck!
Quote from The Very End :Nobody sucks, they lack experience only. I have not watched the replay, and I am not going to, because I belive everyone can be a fair and good driver with the right amount of training.

Well said. Furthermore I have seen you driving Puhba and I promise you when you keep the patience you will do fine soon enough. Just don't try to win the first race you join, learn car & track first, make sure you have good setups (ask people after races) and most important: enjoy.

@Kalev EST: guess you didn't get the cookie with your milk today huh buddy.
#14 - th84
Quote from The Very End :Nobody sucks, they lack experience only.

That is a crock of shit. I have thousands of laps in all kinds of car/track combos and I still suck monkey ass.

Don't get the poor guys hopes up that he doesn't suck. He may be just like me and is on this earth to suck at LFS.

Well, but I still rest my case. The definition of "sucking" in the game is for me not beeing able to take a single corner without crashing, or beeing an constant danger to himself and other on the track. Beeing slow has nothing with "sucking", it's the whole sportmanship - not the pace.

A hotlaper can be fast, but he can truelly suck. Have you driven with these idiots that spam "BLUE FLAG BLUE FLAG MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE" ? It's anoying as hell and gives an impression that the driver is both a moron, and do suck at most parts. At least I hope people looks behind the fast pace of the driver, and see's that he really is not a good driver, or in other words, sucks
The question is: do you spit or swallow?
Quote from Puhba :Just wanted to know, heres my hotlap

from what I see, perfectly normal driving for a "mouser". I see more people that suck in the first 4 rows on the cargame grid every other race (in a way TVE explained above)
Quote from Puhba :Just wanted to know, heres my hotlap

I watched it, and that's not bad. Reasonably smooth.
There's margin for improvement. Maybe a bit more care on the braking can save you a second or so.
And also try to turn off any aids (except ABS, maybe). And if you can get used to manual transmission, that's better.
You certainly don't suck, as TVE & Others have already pointed out. A way to improve is to compare the world record hotlaps from a certain combo to your own driving.

Driving on public servers is also a good way to improve your racing skills and get a few better setups if you ask kindly.

Do i suck?
(20 posts, started )