For WR setups you'll either have to ask the WR holder nicely...
Reverse engineer the WR set:
1) Put the best hotlap you can on LFSW
2) Compare your hotlap with the WR's in hotlap analyser
3) Now you can directly read off gear box ratios, brake settings, fuel used (look at car mass), suspensions settings
4) For wheel cambers, compare yours with the WR at all wheels and adjust as required
5) Tyres pressures you are on your own, but you will find the WR holders usually used the best set from Setupgrid and mostly keep the tyre pressures the same
6) Diff settings - do a test drive with the WR set and feel what he used
7) Traction control and ABS you can check during the WR replay
8) Toe-in, caster, steering, Ackermann settings, mostly like in (5)
And then put down your best hotlap, compare and adjust again...
Programs like Rafripper and LRA also helps lots with set comparisons and lap analysis (also to get that 3rd gear ratio digit, more important on the oval), for these programs you need to save RAF's from the replays.
Lastly, a WR setup won't necessarily get you even close to the WR, everyone got unique driving styles, you have to adapt sets to your own style. Frankly, I found it impossible to mimic WR driving styles even with WR sets...
Good luck