When someone says something about rf1 it is always hard to know what they are actually talking about. Majority of rf1 content is crap, especially when looking at physics. But some isn't and beats lfs easily imho. It is a sim that has some very nice content in it that makes it very competitive and it has some very bad content that is worse than what we had 15 years ago.
Then some people do not even care about physics as long as the cars do sound like the real deal or the cockpits and car models are really shiny. You know, the same people who think rf2 is crap

Personally I find the whole driver feedback thing almost completely useless. Sims are based on numbers and real data and unlike in real life you can put in numbers in a sim that make it do stuff that are not possible in real life. In real life you can not make a tire that sticks like chewing gum, has hardness of clint eastwood and follows the bumpy road like wet like a wet sock. But plug in the numbers and that's the tire you are using. There are different limits in sim and unlike in reality those limits are at best only as good as the numbers you put in and in worst case only as good as your physics engine.
Therefore the feel of the sim is just product of the numbers. If the feel is not correct you are either wrong about the feel as a driver or the numbers are wrong.
For a driver feedback to be useful he, she or it needs to be able to tell for example if a car drives certain way because springs are wrong, the suspension geometry is wrong or a tire stiffness is wrong. "Having driven many sim cars I think the center of gravity is 3cm too high and on the front the front grille should have 20% more drag. Plus the yaw inertias are at least 15% off for crying out aloud." That's the kind of stuff these chuck norrises of driver feedback experts need to be able to tell for the opinion to be useful. And no one can do that.
I think part of the problem is that because many people can drive a sim car they also think they have knowledge about how it works and that their opinion about how it drives should be worth something. I can drive a car - I know how it should feel... In the worst case they think that because they drive real race cars they could actually design one... Or no, the worst case is that they drive a road car to work and think they have something valuable to share. Omg real cars do not slip and slide! Because driver thinks the car drifts all over the place but his friend's real camaro that he sometimes drives to a small powerslide on wet around a roundabout doesn't feel as easy to control... That's one messy paragraph right there.
If they can tweak the setup they then they think can tweak the suspension parameters and maybe even the tire numbers. People do build real cars from scratch in real life so why could they not do the same in sims? Is engineering anything else than knowing how it drives or should drive?
I have always found it really odd and very worrying that sim devs are always so keen to listen what real drivers say about their sims. Even iracing does change the cars based on driver feedback which is just so wrong on many levels.
For physics driver feedback is imho just plain meaningless. It is not totally useless overall though imho. There are lots of stuff that the driver can tell about driving the car that is not directly about the handling.
In the end though feel is all we have. Most of us will never drive a race car and few even do trackdays. Therefore the feel is all we have got. It is not a bad thing to prefer one type of feeling to other but one needs to remember that his or her feeling is not a fact. How I like to drive the cars is different than how I think a car should drive.
I slap, punch and kick myself several times a week just to prevent myself from writing anything that could be considered to be about car physics in a way that it is only based on feel. I do wish real race car drivers would do the same things to allow our sim cars to be actually more realistic instead of just feeling more realistic.