Well Dandy.
If we take S1->S2, there wasn't much of a change, it was basically just a few colours, a bit brighter, new tracks and updated physics.
So i don't believe LFS wants to go mainstream with what we're seeing (rF2, iR etc.) and use this sort of Next Generation Graphics, nor do i see a reason for them to do so. Sure a few of the cars, needs a facelift hands down, there is still quite a lot of bugs around the older tracks and even still some on newer S2 tracks.
And you're talking about a perfect netcode? Can you difine?.
I've raced a few time in the 'Torsdagsrace' weekly event and their server only have a 7ms ping to me, and contact is something that you can do easely without going into orbit.
Even on Cargame.nl contact happens, and it's very rare that either I or someone else gets netcoded, because simply LFS has the best netcode out in the simracing world at the moment, even though strange things tend to happen.