Hello there, I have a Logitech G25 but I don't think that's related to this issue. Profiler has worked fine for me in the past, I've mainly used it for turn signals and the occasional change of degrees for car changes. Here comes the weird bit. I upgraded from a GeForce ENGT240 to an ATi Radeon 4850. This of course changes some software on my computer, predominantly the graphics drivers. After everything was installed and I was happy with my new upgrade I tried out some LFS, opened up Logitech Gaming Software and I get this:
Logitech WingMan Event Monitor has stopped working
Check online for a solution
Close the program
I've done some reading and heard something about a conflict with ATi's current drivers? I've also heard of "Third party drivers" and searched for such a thing with no luck. If anybody has ANY insight to this frustrating glitch I'd love to get on with my day and have my profiler back
EDIT: If you tell me to reinstall I will tell you to stuff it. I've downloaded and redownloaded from 3 different sources reinstalling 5 times with no luck.
Logitech WingMan Event Monitor has stopped working
Check online for a solution
Close the program
I've done some reading and heard something about a conflict with ATi's current drivers? I've also heard of "Third party drivers" and searched for such a thing with no luck. If anybody has ANY insight to this frustrating glitch I'd love to get on with my day and have my profiler back

EDIT: If you tell me to reinstall I will tell you to stuff it. I've downloaded and redownloaded from 3 different sources reinstalling 5 times with no luck.