The online racing simulator
Win S2 Voucher - Demo ONLY Competition
Kind Demo-users of Live for Speed,

Team Rock Racing has good news, for you long time demo-ers!

We are organizing some sort of battle for demo users, in which 1 user can win a S2 Voucher!

For this you would need to have to play LFS since Jan. 2011 or before.

Hackers, crashers and cheaters are NOT welcome, this behaviour will result in a ban from the competition.

What do you have to do, to be able to win the S2 Voucher?

Be the first to score 700 points in the !ptt standings at our demo server.

BUT before starting, sign up here with the following form:


Server name:
-TRR- Win S2

To do this, you'd have to battle hard in races, try to win, but please stay fair.

We wish you good luck, and fair play!

Kind Regards,
Team Rock Racing
Ton Arends & Walter Lemmens
#2 - Sobis
Wow what an original user name...
Firstname: Henri
Lastname: Mäkinen
Age: 21
#4 - fre2
Firstname: Deins
Lastname: Jaunpujens
Age: 16
#7 - sjava
I think yous should have waited for more people to sign-up and maybe have it started on a day when people would know it has started. Due to this reason, I cant see your server being full with demo racers who are fighting for a license.
Quote from Peterbilt :Excluded from competition for probably being DANIEL-CRO.

I don't know that but it certainly is a weirdo
Quote from Peterbilt :Excluded from competition for probably being DANIEL-CRO.

How do you establish that?
Firstname: Edward
Lastname: Turner
Age: 15
Firstname: Radek
Lastname: Szewczyk
Age: 21
Oke lol, this is a second page to get a S2 License?, well good luck
firstname: Branko
lastname: Petrovic
age: 37
Firstname: Vladimir
Lastname: Blanusa
Age: 14
Firstname: Nemanja
Lastname: Pavlovic
Age: 19
Quote from Muhi_GP :Firstname: Nemanja
Lastname: Pavlovic
Age: 19

I hope you don't mind reading but:
Quote :We are organizing some sort of battle for demo users, in which 1 user can win a S2 Voucher!

Today I was accused for helping my friend to get voucher and I didn't do that. I am accused by Mr. [TR] 2F (fre2) in the video that you have down, it is clear that it [TR] Ronja his teammatewaiting for him over 20sec to win the race. Ronja was leading for 3 laps, and then suddenly brakes in last lap, last turn and waiting his friend... Is that fair and what you will do about it?
Another thing, he acts very unfair and a couple of times (many times) was hitting me and my friends on the track. I have the recordings to confirm if you wish
Attached files
video recorded.mpr - 145.1 KB - 179 views
Quote from M.M.L. :Today I was accused for helping my friend to get voucher and I didn't do that. I am accused by Mr. [TR] 2F (fre2) in the video that you have down, it is clear that it [TR] Ronja his teammatewaiting for him over 20sec to win the race. Ronja was leading for 3 laps, and then suddenly brakes in last lap, last turn and waiting his friend... Is that fair and what you will do about it?
Another thing, he acts very unfair and a couple of times (many times) was hitting me and my friends on the track. I have the recordings to confirm if you wish

The collisions seem more like aggressive racing incidents.
However the waiting by Rony was wrong, will be looked into.
I'm making this very unfair F1 style move up by not driving there today anymore. Means less drivers in grid,less points to score,so hopefully it will make up this huge and unfair 1 point difference,I caused with that move!

Edit: M.M.L. - please,learn to read,you missed my name quite a lot! :P
(osteriossi) DELETED by osteriossi
Quote from Eclipsed :I'm making this very unfair F1 style move up by not driving there today anymore. Means less drivers in grid,less points to score,so hopefully it will make up this huge and unfair 1 point difference,I caused with that move!

Edit: M.M.L. - please,learn to read,you missed my name quite a lot! :P

That isnt enough. I want disqualification for 2F because he was involved and in advance planned. Sorry Ronja
So,Fangina - you're crossing over your own words you said in server - let the drivers sort out them selves. In that case - what the firetruck you are doing there on track??? You are also helping your teammate,if 2F should be disqualified,so should be Vlada too! As far as I know - you had some contactful moments with our driver on track,what makes you so white and clean?
Quote from Eclipsed :So,Fangina - you're crossing over your own words you said in server - let the drivers sort out them selves. In that case - what the firetruck you are doing there on track??? You are also helping your teammate,if 2F should be disqualified,so should be Vlada too! As far as I know - you had some contactful moments with our driver on track,what makes you so white and clean?

1. Are you shure that I said that?

2. Please show where I hit 2F? I want to see! Also do you know how many times on bl2 he hit me or Vlada? Ask King, he knows!
Quote from M.M.L. :1. Are you shure that I said that?

2. Please show where I hit 2F? I want to see! Also do you know how many times on bl2 he hit me or Vlada? Ask King, he knows!

1. Oh,right,my mistake,I guess Rocky said that... Seems quite impossible to hear that from your side anyway...
2. I cannot show anything,as I wasn't there - 2F just said in our team chat,that opponents are working together and it's getting phisycal and he needs someone to help,as otherwise he is alone against 3 or 4 of SERT guys. Hmm,let me think - how much this is a difference what I did by letting 2F win and gain 1 point more and what are you doing there? Of course - don't worry about any protests,as there are no replays of proof,so you're clean like an angel!
Fangio please stop whining, we came to a solution.

You may let your team mate also win 1 time by letting him pass, and than it would be even.

Don't threaten other competitors, and lets try to keep things nice.

S2 people shouldn't even be in fight over something that is for Demo users.

Now let me say this to those S2'ers that try to win under a **secret** account, and most of those S2'ers bitching:
