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Just so we're clear, we're talking about the instrument panel illumination, not the actual interior lights.
Well, considering some manufacturers are fitting LEDs to their vehicles as standard now, they cant be all that bad can they.
Matrixi, didn't you sell that skyline? Or am I missing something again?
Quote from danthebangerboy :Well, considering some manufacturers are fitting LEDs to their vehicles as standard now, they cant be all that bad can they.

Only Audi (maybe one or two else manufacturers ) can pull it off.
Quote from mamoru :Matrixi, didn't you sell that skyline? Or am I missing something again?

Yup, only have the IS200 now, that'll propably change next summer aswell.
Quote from Bose321 :Only Audi (maybe one or two else manufacturers ) can pull it off.

Your referring to the LED DRL lights, the dot dot style that audi has.

There are loads of manufacturers that use led lights in standard sidelights/tail lights/indicators/interiors/dashboards. They dont have to just be DRL's
Quote from DejaVu :Your referring to the LED DRL lights, the dot dot style that audi has.

There are loads of manufacturers that use led lights in standard sidelights/tail lights/indicators/interiors/dashboards. They dont have to just be DRL's

Yeah sorry for that. Should've been more clear. But yeah, that's what I'm aiming at. Most cars just don't look right with them IMO (especially aftermarket kits)
My piece of shit...:
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why shit? Its RWD and probably has a turbo And if you throw a mattress in the back those get pretty comfy
It's a rather comfy indeed(and yeh, has a turbo) ...sort of , but it breaks down after every 3-4 weeks. That certain "person" on the picture is indeed piece of shit. it's at the repairs as we speak actually.
Yeah those Transits are notoriously erm... crap.
i love the transit i drive for work, its the 2011 newer shaped one, and a pickup/ drop side version, but its really quite a long vehicle compared to a normal transit, i cant find a pic on google of one thats as long as the one i drive, its got the standard cab on, but the body is 4 metres long, plus the tail lift which adds another foot, and its about 2 metres wide i would guess at least, certianly a good bit wider than the cab, its bang on level with the width as the mirrors each side, meaning that you cant turn in too sharply otherwise you crunch things with the side of it, as i found out one of the first times i drove it, has been epic in the snow tho, drifted like a badman around the yard at work yesterday, full opposite lock all the way round!

E: Found a pic on my FB

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Majority of our fleet are transit crew cabs with tipper bodies, when you've got a bit of weight on the back they go anywhere in the snow, amazing for drifting aswell
jew son? thats racist.remove pic
Not as bad as riding a bicycle with a tire that says Dieyoung on it!
Quote from Jakg :Errrr, people who want to see something at night?

dunno about you, but bright lights from inside the car while driving at night piss me off to no end
Quote from ACCAkut :why shit? Its RWD and probably has a turbo And if you throw a mattress in the back those get pretty comfy

I thought they were all FWD? Or is it just the long wheel-base Transit RWD?
As far as I knew all transits were RWD.

EDIT: seems the latest model has 3 FWD, 4 RWD and one AWD model.
Actually mine is FWD but it has a turbo, sort of. Either way repairman suggested to sell it asap.

I have had this parked away for 10 months, and still use my shitbox mx5! hm.....
IS200 snow pic from this morning to complete the full set.

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I bought an absolute shed of a Fiesta on Sunday, sorry I don't have photos. Today the washer pump stopped working on the way to work, when I stopped to check if the reservoir was empty a passer-by stopped to tell me I had a brake light out. Reservoir was full so I gave up and decided to wipe the glass with a cloth, lifted the rear wiper and it fell off.

This car is awesome.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I bought an absolute shed of a Fiesta on Sunday, sorry I don't have photos. Today the washer pump stopped working on the way to work, when I stopped to check if the reservoir was empty a passer-by stopped to tell me I had a brake light out. Reservoir was full so I gave up and decided to wipe the glass with a cloth, lifted the rear wiper and it fell off.

This car is awesome.

Using summer wash liquid?
I think it might have frozen. It was either empty yesterday or nearly empty and I filled it up with stuff from Halfords and it then worked - I would assume that stuff is alright - but this morning it wouldn't work (although last night it did, in freezing temperatures) and this afternoon it did.

I'm hoping it's just freezing rather than a knackered pump because there's so many little electrical things that need fixing. I'm taking it in tomorrow for some other jobs doing so I'll get them to look at that too.
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