LFSCART Light Series 2012 - Signups
To enter the 2012 LFSCART Light Series, you must follow all formats or you risk your entry being rejected.
Entry Requirements for Drivers
Both requirements must be met to be permitted to race in the LFSCART Light Series 2012:
- A hotlap uploaded to LFSWorld with the FOX within 103.5% of the World Record on ANY of the following: BL1, KY2R, SO5
- A total online driven distance equal to or greater than 5,000 miles / 8,045 km
The series is a team-based entry format. You enter as if you are a team, even if you are a single-car team.
The format must be followed exactly. You must provide the racer's real name as it would appear in game, with regards to special characters. Please provide full first and last name.
Car 01 is reserved for Sascha Riegler (Feuerdrache). All other numbers 0, 2-99 inclusive are for a TEAM. Numbers (except for #1) follow the TEAM, not the DRIVER. 2 and 02 are the same, leading zeroes do not change the number.
Entry form to use, please enclose in [code] tags:
[CODE]Team Name:
Number of Cars Entered (between 1 and 4, inclusive):
Car Numbers Requested (lowest to highest, separate by comma):
Team Manager Real Name, LFSWorld UserName (Required):
Team Vice Manager 1 Real Name, LFSWorld UserName (Optional):
Team Vice Manager 2 Real Name, LFSWorld UserName (Optional):
Drivers (one line per driver, unlimited amount of drivers):
Real Name, LFSWorld Username, Nation[/CODE]Example:
Team Name: New Dimension Racing
Number of Cars Entered: 3
Car Numbers Requested: 02,42,69
Team Manager Real Name, LFSWorld UserName: Jonathan Pamer, dekojester
Team Vice Manager 1 Real Name, LFSWorld UserName: Thilo Falkenberg, TFalke55
Team Vice Manager 2 Real Name, LFSWorld UserName: Chris Ford, CSF
Jonathan Palmer, dekojester, USA
Thilo Falkenberg, TFalke55, Germany[/code]Please use the list of nations available with the Tracker Documentaion
A team may share their roster over another team, provided that the team is named the same with only a separator for each team group (eg Genuine Racing 1 and Genuine Racing 2 may share identical rosters, as would Genuine Racing Red and Genuine Racing Black, however Genuine Racing and Domi's Great Team would not be considered a shared unit.)
Entries will be locked starting 24 hours prior to qualifying start for a round, and will reopen 1 hour after the round concludes. No team roster changes may be made during this period to facilitate accuracy of entries. You will be able to change who is racing for each car until a time closer to round start, in a separate thread.
Posting a Team Roster Update
Please EDIT YOUR ORIGINAL POST but then make a post quoting your *updated* OP, indicating what was updated. We will use edit logs where necessary to check times in the event conflicts arise, and it is simpler to look in one place for each team.
Signups may be tracked at this Google Document