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What model of fiesta is it? (Mk1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc)
Quote from robt :What model of fiesta is it? (Mk1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc)

Definitely one of those. Unless you made some of them up to catch me out?

I've no idea. I don't really like or care about cars I just didn't want to pay the rail fares to work any more.
Quote from thisnameistaken : I don't really like or care about cars I just didn't want to pay the rail fares to work any more.

I'd tell you to GTFO but I'd like to point out you said you don't care nor like cars, so you bought a Ford. Good enough example of why Ford's are soul-less POS.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I think it might have frozen. It was either empty yesterday or nearly empty and I filled it up with stuff from Halfords and it then worked - I would assume that stuff is alright - but this morning it wouldn't work (although last night it did, in freezing temperatures) and this afternoon it did.

Judging by the information you've provided it would appear that your current mixture of washer fluid is worth more than the car
Quote from BlueFlame :I'd tell you to GTFO but I'd like to point out you said you don't care nor like cars, so you bought a Ford. Good enough example of why Ford's are soul-less POS.

I bought a cheap car that was for sale nearby. I didn't think of it being a Ford other than 'There are probably lots of parts in scrapyards for when everything else falls off it'.

Quote from JO53PHS :Judging by the information you've provided it would appear that your current mixture of washer fluid is worth more than the car

I filled up the petrol tank this morning too, doubling the value.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I bought a cheap car that was for sale nearby. I didn't think of it being a Ford other than 'There are probably lots of parts in scrapyards for when everything else falls off it'.

I'm beginning to like you.
I learned something very important today, when you buy another car, always check that its got anti-freeze in, dont stupidly assume that it will have as i did, i only found this because i left my car idling for about 10 minutes after driving just a few hundred yards from my house in order to jump start a mates golf earlier on today, try as we might, her tdi wouldnt start so we gave up, so i jumped back in my car, and oh shiii, temp guage is on the red, so i crept home, opened the rad cap and it looks like a slush puppy.

Car currently sits in my drive with all the hoses off in the hope that it gets above freezing tomorrow, then i can refill with fresh anti freeze, and see where water pisses out of and if i have cracked anything, im praying i have got away with it.
Ouch, fingers crossed.
there is 1 thing BMW does not like. and that is overheating. i hope u dont need an engine.
Yeah me either, although i think there must have been some anti freeze in there, as it wasnt solid ice, more slushy, but if it is ruined, then i know of an e36 M3 that a good mate wrote off the other day, all running gear is still good though, hmm, i wonder...
got my full license today, and this is how it went:

passed: yay cant wait to drive my car all day.

battery dead from last night working with the interior lights on, no big deal il throw a charger on it, or jump it and the alternator will do work. charger on: clicks. jump start: clicks. push start: nothing electrical working at all; factory reset later, still just clicks, but electrical stuff working.

charge it for a while, and it starts again; no big deal, just adds to it.

2 miles up the street the warning light in my dash shows up that there is a failure in my brake light circuit somewhere. i pull over, and nothing looks wrong.

head home, and realize that the brake lights are constantly on; how bizarre. after a bunch of tinkering, i finally figure it is the switch/sensor at the pedal end. (part number 61-31-6-967-601)

waiting for it to arrive.

any thoughts?
your description is beyond terrible, but it sounds like a ****ed starter motor if its just clicking and not turning over at all

try hitting it with a hammer if it does it again.
he killed his battery so much that a jump wont even help.happens a lot. just charge it fully.If a brake light switch wont solve your problem,i would throw in a used light module,coz its 90 % of the light problems on that car
After a nail biting night imagining all sorts of broken engine scenarios, i drained flushed and refilled the beema with 2/3 anti freeze and 1/3 water, no leaks, starts and runs up to normal temperature with no problems at all, no damage, plus it seems to go a bit better too, thank god i got away with it!
Quote :no damage, plus it seems to go a bit better too

Watch out for that! Often its the calm before the storm, hope not this time.
Quote from logitekg25 :got my full license today, and this is how it went:

passed: yay cant wait to drive my car all day.

battery dead from last night working with the interior lights on, no big deal il throw a charger on it, or jump it and the alternator will do work. charger on: clicks. jump start: clicks. push start: nothing electrical working at all; factory reset later, still just clicks, but electrical stuff working.

charge it for a while, and it starts again; no big deal, just adds to it.

2 miles up the street the warning light in my dash shows up that there is a failure in my brake light circuit somewhere. i pull over, and nothing looks wrong.

head home, and realize that the brake lights are constantly on; how bizarre. after a bunch of tinkering, i finally figure it is the switch/sensor at the pedal end. (part number 61-31-6-967-601)

waiting for it to arrive.

any thoughts?

Starter could be a dodgy starter solenoid, as klutch said, wack it with a hammer and see if that loosens it off. though low battery voltage would also mean there wasnt enough charge to move the solenoid which would alos give the click.

Quote from stan.distortion :Watch out for that! Often its the calm before the storm, hope not this time.

I have heard of that before, im just going to take it steady drive it gentle and see how it is.

My dad followed me as i took it on a 3 mile little test run earlier, just in case, which was handy, as i couldnt turn around where i wanted because there was traffic, so i went further up and pulled onto a concrete pad that farmers use to turn round, which hasnt been driven on for ages, did a lovely donut with the TC turned off in the undisturbed snow, and promptly got stuck, dad then pulls up, sees me, unwinds the window, and mouths the word 'wanker' whoops lol
Quote from doyal :
Awesome S14
I have had this parked away for 10 months, and still use my shitbox mx5! hm.....

Quote from e2mustang :he killed his battery so much that a jump wont even help.happens a lot. just charge it fully.If a brake light switch wont solve your problem,i would throw in a used light module,coz its 90 % of the light problems on that car

you hit the nail on the head, nearly completely flat battery, so no i said this is really no big deal; but i hope the switch fixes the brake problem, and i hope that is the end of that problem

unrelated question: my door panel is off, therefore all the switches off (drivers door). the power lock does not work for that door, only that door. is this because the circuit is open now? or did i bump something? just want to figure it out before i re-assemble it completely.
yes thats basicly the door module,so when u plug it in should work.just plug it in with the doorpanel off to make sure.
Louise was hanging out with her Jap friend.

Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.
This saturday i will pick up my new ride, when i have it i'll post pics.
Quote from e2mustang :yes thats basicly the door module,so when u plug it in should work.just plug it in with the doorpanel off to make sure.

got it all setup, and it is working

now i just have to wire the back speakers, amps, and subs and we are clear
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Post your Car!
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