The online racing simulator
Kyoto Langstreckenschleife (KY3X/Y)


So, since the open config tracks were released I thought about a long Kyoto track, as did a lot of others. Well, here is what I came up with (hope no one has done it already) after looking at other released layouts.

I didn't want to go with another KY3 track number code, so I decided to actually give the track a name, one which would remind people of Nordschleife, so they would know that this track is a long one. Langstreckenschleife translates(hopefully) to "long distance loop" or something similar. Now I know the track isn't exactly a loop, but as I said, I named it that to remind people this ain't no sprint race. I have used the full pit road of the Oval section as part of the track, I have attempted to make it race friendly. The pit road could easily fit 3 or 4 wide, so I didn't see any problem using it, once the pit garages were blocked off. Reverse config should be ok, if you find anything wrong with the layouts, you can either edit it yourself and post the update here, or let me know and I can update it. Checkpoints are in the same position both forward and reverse, I rotated the checkpoints and finish line to work correctly for each config.

No distance or timed runs as yet, I'll add them at some stage.

All comments / suggestions welcome.


Screen shots attached...

EDIT: Fixed finish line, on both layouts, to cover pitlane.
Attached images
Kyoto Lanstreckenschleife.png
Attached files
KY3X_Langstreckenschleife.lyt - 6.2 KB - 498 views
KY3Y_Langstreckenschleife.lyt - 6.2 KB - 409 views
Langstrecke ist mostly translated with endurance in (motor-)sports. So you it fits. Hm.. about 12.5km so that's one km shorter then the Le Mans Circuit de la Sarthe, nice
What might be problematic is this Bumb in the rail entering the chicane... Outside on the Oval lane it always is problematic if suddenly the wall comes up to you. If you straight that bit, the cars just have to go slower through the chicane. But it is safer for those cars currently racing on the Oval side
I see what you are saying, but it will only effect races on the reverse config. Cars entering the chicane will gain from extra wide corner entry and cars driving in opposite direction, towards camera in screen shot 1, will gain from a wider corner. Reverse configs are always a little bit difficult, hehe.

If people find it difficult then an adjustment can be made, otherwise I'll leave it and see how it goes, it is only on the reverse config after all, hehe.

Thanks for your comments and your translation of "Langstrecke", endurance is where I started on Google Translate but eventually ended up with Langstrecken-Schleife. I removed the "-" and the capital "S" which does effect the translation but it seems to work/look better as one word.

EDIT: One of the biggest problems will be going from the banked oval to the pit lane(visible in the background of screen shot 3), now this will be a wall that will suddenly appear in front of racers, hopefully though, people will get used to it and get off the banking in time.

EDIT2: So I've been thinking about this problem with coming off the banking into the pit lane. It might be best to not use the banking at all there, see attachment. I've used all 800 objects so the barrier around the banking isn't the prettiest but it works. Do you think I should add this to the layout or leave it like this?
Attached images
Tried the forward direction only - 3:47 with FO8 after 3 laps. Quite faster than mine max track,which is no surprise - less slow turns.
Anyway - good work,but in some places you overdone with speed bumps,but as you stated - if someone uses it,can be edited to his likings...

Edit - I think better leave old,oval's pitlane entry/exit is quite narrow,better allow use banking,just need to find point to come off.

About the speed bumps. I think I know where you are talking about. The reason it looks like a lot is because there are some which are part of the track and they can't be edited. I don't think they are near enough to the edge of the track, so I had to double up there, but as you said, if you don't like, delete.

Quote from Eclipsed :I think better leave old,oval's pitlane entry/exit is quite narrow,better allow use banking,just need to find point to come off.

I thought about that too. One thing I think will be a big problem in races is coming off the banking at speed in the faster GTR's or open wheelers, it could cause them to become too imbalanced and spin or cause an accident. I think they might be able to handle the tighter track easier than the difference of going from the banking to the pit lane, but it's still only an idea so we'll see when more people test out the track.
little bug we experienced in our race today. The finish line must be wider, because we had the problem that the new laps by cars exiting the pitlane was not counted.
Quote from TFalke55 :little bug we experienced in our race today. The finish line must be wider, because we had the problem that the new laps by cars exiting the pitlane was not counted.

Yep. Was rather surprised to see my first lap take 11 minutes!
Just checked the layout and the finish line goes into both barriers so I don't think that was the problem. I checked the other checkpoints and checkpoint 2 may be the problem, see attachment, it doesn't cross the barrier fully. Checkpoint 3 might also be a problem as it is in the air because of the banking, I never had problems when testing so can't be certain what the problem is.

Did everyone's lap times get effected?

Are you using an edited version or original?
Attached images
Your finish line goes trough both barriers, but it doesn't go through pitlane. Cars pitting don't have their lap count updated when they leave pitlane.
Yeah the problem is that pit road is not covered, so anyone who drives through the pitlane will not touch the finish line and thereby no new lap will be started. I used a fresh download yesterday, and only the laptime of those driving to pits to repair dammage in yesterday's 1 hour race.
Ah yes, that would be the problem, sorry about that. It must have caused a lot of confusion during the race. It never even entered my mind about cars pitting during a race. I'll edit and re-upload, thanks for the notice.