City mod/map with cars
(52 posts, started )
Quote from MAGGOT :They have also said they would appreciate people to not make new threads on old requests. This request has been around since before the S1 days, and, like you said, you knew that it had been asked for before, so you shouldn't have asked it.

We don't know exactly what is on their list of noted but wontfix/wontdo and we'llsee/todo list. Besides, I don't think browsing improvement suggestions forum is one of Scawen's daily chores, so he might very well not notice a suggestion (I think so anyway, because most of the recent features have been posted in the improvement suggestion forum long time ago, but have been talked about in the recent patch release threads).

Spamming the patch release threads is off bounds but posting in the improvement suggestions forum is fine by me, if it's not listed in the already suggested log. And free roam already is there, but no city, which I take it includes traffic. So I'm not sure to or not to at lmao2times.
Quote from Becky Rose :@RAYfighter, I think perhaps you missunderstood Scawen slightly, I read his post (and others) to understand that he would like to have the track being able to branch, but I dont believe he's ever said anything about traffic. In fact he says in the quote above the AI would be disabled in such a track, and other posts he has always insisted that LFS is a racing sim.

However I do agree with the key point you made, why should we dictate what communities we dont want LFS to cover.

I have no interest in drift and dont think I ever will have, but I dont mind them using LFS to do their thing. Whatever floats your boat.

Thanks for support. I never cared about AIs (well maybe my very 1st days with LFS, but only till I found out how sucky they are even at PRO level) and so I never thought about any kind of traffic being created by AI cars. All the traffic, cops, ambulances, taxi, all the life going on in such a city should be there thank to dedicated players, human players. So whenever Scawen said he would disable AIs, I only said "of course, who needs those stupid dummies".
(janer soydere) DELETED by Scawen : questionable spam
(janer soydere) DELETED by Scawen : questionable spam

City mod/map with cars
(52 posts, started )