The online racing simulator
"Skill" track for XFG & XRG
(4 posts, started )
"Skill" track for XFG & XRG
Annoying skilltrack

There is always 1 tyre somewhere wich is hunting your perfect round.
Wich makes this quite addicting.

Maybe its fun with other cars too like LX4 or UF1? Yes this is desinged for smaller ones, do not try with GTR cars

Annoying skilltrack II
This starts in narrow corners with some grass, again. but have wider middle section and ends back to challenging narrowcorners,
dont crash your ve hi cle
Attached images
Attached files
AU1_XFG&XRG skill track.lyt - 4 KB - 374 views
AU1_xfg&xrgSKILL2.lyt - 4 KB - 351 views
Looks good, will give it a go ^_^
just downloaded it, ill give it a try
looks very cool

EDIT: my first lap with uf1000 was:
1:53:78 bad right? lotsa suprising corners

"Skill" track for XFG & XRG
(4 posts, started )