Formula 1 Race Manager 2012 has ended!

Our top20:
1 Triple7Racing
3 Designium Racing
4 LF1
5 Zytec Autosport
6 Team Turbo
7 Vapor F1
8 Adolusyn Racing
9 Team Top Gear
10 Omicron Motorsport
11 220bpm Racing
12 Bentley Motorsports
13 Souza Racing
14 Hyperdrive unlimited
15 eds racing
16 Team Un
17 TDF Racing Team
18 LTF1
19 TwinFlow Motorsports
20 Porca Mandioca
20€ draw winner: tristancliffe - Omicron Motorsport
Possible to win F1 caps and also special prize for our own subleague players!
The 5th year of LFS F1 manager game starts! We have won this competition 2 times out of our 5 tries and this year there are some changes coming that may improve our chances after few tougher years!
NOTICE: The season has already started but there is still time to join! With 20 races on the F1 schedule missing just one or two rounds (or even couple more) can still get you in the top 20 of our subleague!
Subleagues compete for the overall subleague win. The best sub league wins 3 real F1 team caps that are sent to the winners. We (LFS sub league) have won this 2 times and I personally have a Brawn F1 cap to prove it. In case we win the sub league competition the first 3 of our subleague competitors get to choose their caps and the first placed player in our sub league gets to choose first and then 2nd and then 3rd.
In addition to that I'm also putting a special prize money for our own sub league players. One randomly chosen member of the top 20 of our sub league players will receive 20€ prize. I have not yet decided what this prize is exactly but gift cards are what I'd prefer.
Please post in this thread what is the name of your team in our sub league. It helps us to congratulate you for your good choises and makes it easier for me to contact you in case you won some prizes!
How does it work:
The game is free. It doesn't take much time and it adds A LOT of excitement into watching the races. You will be cheering up for drivers and teams you hardly cared about before this. Especially the mid pack and the cars on the back end of the grid will suddenly become very interesting.
The idea of the game is to build as good team as you can with the starting money. Better drivers and teams cost more money. You earn money depending how your individual parts of the team position in qualifyings and in races. With more money you can improve your team as the season progresses. In addition to that you can place bets and answer bonus questions to earn some extra money for the team.
This really does make watching the races more fun and enjoyable. Even if your favourite team or drivers are out of the race it is still exciting to see where your "F1 manager team" ends up in the race and qualifying sessions. Plus beating your most or least favourite lfs forum poster is definitely another plus!
To get going:
1. Register on the site: www.f1racemanager.com
2. Go to the Edit profile tab and put this info in to join our LFS sub league:
Private subleague name LFS BF1 2012
Subleague Password: LINK
Small how-to
Short version.
- Remember to place bets for every weekend.
- Remember the bonus questions.
- Check this thread for informations.
- Make sure you have a full team, ie. two drivers, chassis, engine and fuel
- read the rules: http://www.f1racemanager.com/faqrules.asp
Notice: If you were part of our 2011 subleague you need to leave our 2011 subleague and join our 2012 subleague. Just go to Edit profile and then change subleague using the information in this post.
Long version
- read the short version above
- try to find a balance between performance and reliability. Having one good item and all other bad ones might be good for points if that one item finishes the race. With more scattered approach you might score just as much points but again the chances are that not all those items finish the race so choose wisely.
- If you still go with the fully balanced approach notice that you will have to change more items in your team during the first races. If you have one good item it is also easier to change the worse items due to their price and broker fees.
- look at the points tables before making the team. The option to choose the best fuel from the start might be be tempting but if you look at the points, a little better driver might just get that amount of points. Updating the fuel to better is cheaper and easier later on.
- if you want to go for the win you may want to keep the results on notepad or excel
- there is a bonus question between every gp. Try to get it right for more dough.
- every once in a while check this thread for new information.