The online racing simulator
would someone please make this ?
(16 posts, started )
would someone please make this ?
the link says it can't find the location, try again or print screen the map and post as a jpg. file
if u search on golspie, u enter the town,

then u folow the coastline down abit and the track will be there..


its 138m x 237m.. so it will fit >just< on the big part of autocross..
Do you mean the Little Ferry Race Circuit?

There's a North of Scotland Kart Club just south west of Golspie ( - search on google maps for golspie golf club, and then head south.

Caithness Car Club ( use the track for sprints, and they have couple of images of the 2 different types of layout (with dimensions) that they use.

You could also look at the Scottish Karting website (
Attached images
Little Ferry Race Track in Golspie.jpg
Quote from sinanju :Do you mean the Little Ferry Race Circuit?

There's a North of Scotland Kart Club just south west of Golspie ( - search on google maps for golspie golf club, and then head south.

Caithness Car Club ( use the track for sprints, and they have couple of images of the 2 different types of layout (with dimensions) that they use.

You could also look at the Scottish Karting website (

yes thats it could someone please try it ? ,btw nice meeting another scottish person who plays lfs
it looks like a good layout, i might give it a go for you
Rather than someone doing everything for you, have a try yourself.

I know the hardest part is getting the layout mapped out, so I've started the track for you, by laying out cones to show where the track borders are.

The layout is to scale, as you'll see from the image.

Have a go at finishing it off by putting chalk, barriers, speed humps, etc, (or any combination thereof) just to the outside and inside of the cones, then remove the cones.
Attached images
Little Ferry Race Track.jpg
Attached files
AU1_Golspie.lyt - 3.6 KB - 301 views
Quote from sinanju :Rather than someone doing everything for you, have a try yourself.

I know the hardest part is getting the layout mapped out, so I've started the track for you, by laying out cones to show where the track borders are.

The layout is to scale, as you'll see from the image.

Have a go at finishing it off by putting chalk, barriers, speed humps, etc, (or any combination thereof) just to the outside and inside of the cones, then remove the cones.

Thanks alot mate and yeah i agree that is definitely the hardest part,would u like me to share it when it is done ?
-hope to see u racing
Entirely up to you if you want to share your layout.

However, I would suggest that if you are asking the community to make something for you, then it's only good manners / fair that you are prepared to share too.

Having a look at the track again, and assuming that, like a proper small track, there was only the single start point, there was no crossing junctions in more than one direction, that you only drove one way on the track (ie no oncoming traffic), and that no reverse configurations were used, then it looks like there is about 12 different track configuration permutations available.


Do you just make an open play layout, which allows people to drive where they want, with the potential consequence of meeting another car head on, or do you make a dozen layouts with, as in real life, cones on the bits of track you don't want drivers to use for that particular configuration?

The 2nd option would keep you busy for a while!
Attached images
Little Ferry Race Track Layout Permutations.jpg

could the Blackwood car park be a better option for the layout?

It just seems like that section of the autocross area makes it pretty small. It may not be to scale, but the layout on the car park might be bigger perhaps.
did any1 read my post above ??

this track will fit prefect where sinanju putted it..

according to the distance meter in lfs and google earth..
Quote from Luttsy :sinanju, could the Blackwood car park be a better option for the layout?

It just seems like that section of the autocross area makes it pretty small. It may not be to scale, but the layout on the car park might be bigger perhaps.

Blackwood Car Park would have been much smaller, and it's not the right shape.

It's max 105m wide shortways, and it's not a rectangle, but it's like 2 rectangles overlapped at an angle to make a sort of shallow V shape.

My layout isn't quite right size (I make it approx 123m x 225m - Mr Lonely makes real track 138m x 237m) but it's fairly close.

I've converted my layout made with cones, to a layout laid out with chalk lines - see attached.
Attached files
AU1_Golspie Chalk.lyt - 3.1 KB - 271 views
Yeah, that's fair enough.
Quote from sinanju :Blackwood Car Park would have been much smaller, and it's not the right shape.

It's max 105m wide shortways, and it's not a rectangle, but it's like 2 rectangles overlapped at an angle to make a sort of shallow V shape.

My layout isn't quite right size (I make it approx 123m x 225m - Mr Lonely makes real track 138m x 237m) but it's fairly close.

I've converted my layout made with cones, to a layout laid out with chalk lines - see attached.

well if you watched the video then you will see the layout i used
Quote from sinanju :Couple of layouts based on the main Golspie layout, as named and used by Caithness Car Club - Kylestrome and Littleferry, along with a layout just using the perimeter part of the track.

thanks so much mate

would someone please make this ?
(16 posts, started )