I was changing the rear bumper as the previous owner had a tow bar fitted
And the person who used to own the DISABLED space had moved, so I made the space mine!
This might be my car in hungary when i go back. My dad goes to look at it next weekend,if its good in person,not just from pictures than he takes it
I have high hopes for this one !
it would get new ones,xenon+angel eyes anyway. all M3 bumpers,mirrors,trunk lip,make side moulding black. put suspension,slam it.. im taking my strömung muffler home,throw that on and im done for a while. than comes M3 engine and all that conversion
Yeah unfortunetly the registration fee kills it all.. its around 1800 euro!...+shipping around 700 and still no insurance +other fees etc. so yeah,i cant do that. it will be very hard to separate us :lovies3d:
he also changed the bumpers. he put a more ricey body kit... wich is ugly imho... the one it had before with the pug badges was cleaner and sexy. those oem rims would fit the style waay more.
Exhaust back pressure is a myth. The reason why exhaust piping size needs to be correct is to help draw the air out from the combustion chamber. If exhaust is too big the speed of the exhaust gases slows down and this creates "back pressure" which is not good. That's why people talk about back pressure, because for most people it's commong sense that the bigger the exhaust the less there is back pressure.
Installing a muffler just to get more back pressure is utterly wrong.