I've been aching to give this a go for quite some time and today was the day
The video below show a cruise control mod that works with any analog controller. The actual speed control algorithm is rather dumb and it the speed is oscillating quite a bit in powerful cars, especially in uphill sections. However, getting it right shouldn't be a problem once I get my hands on some info about PID controllers (by any chance, anyone of you guys wouldn't know about anything, would you?
Before someone asks, no, I'm not releasing it - at least not now. If I ever manage to get the throttle position maths right, I'll talk to the mods here to make sure there's no way somebody could use this to cheat. If all goes well, I'll make a public release eventually.
VIDEOS REMOVED, see the post #6

Before someone asks, no, I'm not releasing it - at least not now. If I ever manage to get the throttle position maths right, I'll talk to the mods here to make sure there's no way somebody could use this to cheat. If all goes well, I'll make a public release eventually.
VIDEOS REMOVED, see the post #6