Here's a video of last years version of this mod: ... PI8Rw&feature=related
Directly from Blaxman
Onemore time, we proudly present the result of team work at its best!!! The porting of one of the most regarded road racing mods ever made for Platinum G2 is now available for G3. And not only available but.... UPGRADED! That's the G3 Grand Am.
G3 Grand Am now includes 31 car paints, new driving view options, 48 additional wheel/tire sets and the unique features of Platinum G3. That's right... you just read it right. 48 options of wheels/tire sets....
Along with the mod, the "G3 Track Pack #2" is also released. This pack contains 3 updated versions of Grand Am tracks included on the 2012 real series schedule. The tracks are "G3-IndyRC_GA" (Indianapolis road course), "G3-Mid_Ohio_GA" and "G3-Limerock_GA".
I wish to personally thank Raybee1970 for being the mastermind behind most of the upgrades and improvements of G3 Grand Am. Most of the additional paints and the tons of wheels and tires came from him. So... that's the guy to receive the applause....

Also special thanks to Hunter for the track editing work on Mid Ohio!
Here the links for those who have G3 already installed.
G3 Grand Am Addon: ... p=viewdownload&cid=51
G3 Track Pack #2: ... p=viewdownload&cid=53
Here the links for those who are new on HEAT or Platinum G3 mods.
First time Nascar HEAT users will need:
- Nascar HEAT CD (Patch 1.80) or HEAT Essentials-2: ... mp;d_op=getit&lid=187
- G3 Base files and Cup Addon 2012: ... p=viewdownload&cid=50
- G3 Track Pack #1: ... p=viewdownload&cid=53
- G3 Dual Pits Track Pack (for ONLINE use):
- GA Track Packs 1 and 2: ... p=viewdownload&cid=45
- Mod Launcher-2 (properly installed): ... amp;d_op=getit&lid=65
G3 Grand Am Addon: ... p=viewdownload&cid=51
G3 Track Pack #2: ... p=viewdownload&cid=53
- Once the game is set, the mod installed... read the G3 User Guide and follow the onscreen instructions to get it working properly. If anything goes wrong, no worries. Come here at TMS and post your problem that you'll be helped as soon as possible.
Directly from Blaxman
Onemore time, we proudly present the result of team work at its best!!! The porting of one of the most regarded road racing mods ever made for Platinum G2 is now available for G3. And not only available but.... UPGRADED! That's the G3 Grand Am.
G3 Grand Am now includes 31 car paints, new driving view options, 48 additional wheel/tire sets and the unique features of Platinum G3. That's right... you just read it right. 48 options of wheels/tire sets....
Along with the mod, the "G3 Track Pack #2" is also released. This pack contains 3 updated versions of Grand Am tracks included on the 2012 real series schedule. The tracks are "G3-IndyRC_GA" (Indianapolis road course), "G3-Mid_Ohio_GA" and "G3-Limerock_GA".
I wish to personally thank Raybee1970 for being the mastermind behind most of the upgrades and improvements of G3 Grand Am. Most of the additional paints and the tons of wheels and tires came from him. So... that's the guy to receive the applause....

Also special thanks to Hunter for the track editing work on Mid Ohio!

Here the links for those who have G3 already installed.
G3 Grand Am Addon: ... p=viewdownload&cid=51
G3 Track Pack #2: ... p=viewdownload&cid=53
Here the links for those who are new on HEAT or Platinum G3 mods.
First time Nascar HEAT users will need:
- Nascar HEAT CD (Patch 1.80) or HEAT Essentials-2: ... mp;d_op=getit&lid=187
- G3 Base files and Cup Addon 2012: ... p=viewdownload&cid=50
- G3 Track Pack #1: ... p=viewdownload&cid=53
- G3 Dual Pits Track Pack (for ONLINE use):
- GA Track Packs 1 and 2: ... p=viewdownload&cid=45
- Mod Launcher-2 (properly installed): ... amp;d_op=getit&lid=65
G3 Grand Am Addon: ... p=viewdownload&cid=51
G3 Track Pack #2: ... p=viewdownload&cid=53
- Once the game is set, the mod installed... read the G3 User Guide and follow the onscreen instructions to get it working properly. If anything goes wrong, no worries. Come here at TMS and post your problem that you'll be helped as soon as possible.